Universal credit review

markcumbria Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor

Last march I had a review but I couldn't take part because I was in a coma I had to ring up after once I had came out the coma so I got that sorted and while still in hospital they rang and the woman asked me so many stupid questions as I was having to learn to walk again with a Zimmer frame in hospital I will give you a idea of the questions could I manage to get up a flight of stairs. My answer was no and I wouldn't even try walking upstairs with a Zimmer frame and apart from that I can't walk up stairs anyway because the disks in my spine collapsed back in 2015 and I struggle to walk and balance while walking then the next question what about at home for stairs my answer was have you even looked up my address I live in a ground floor flat and a ground floor flat doesn't have any stairs or steps. Nearly every question involved stairs I started losing it I said haven't you listened to one single thing I've told you i will say it again I can't walk up any stairs and iam having to walk with a Zimmer frame and even now I struggle I might not be the same for a few years I was awarded that I can't work again but only for 1 year so between now and march I will get a letter do they think that the disks in my spine will fix themselves overnight when Newcastle rvi tried 3 spine injections what never worked and has refused to operate because I could be left paralysed from the waist down iam on 900mg of gabapentin 3 times a day aswel as all my other medication on top it doesn't even take the pain away anymore I've looked up on Google that if a person has a spinal injury that they can't force you to look for work does this still stand or has labour changed this law without telling anybody.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,647 Championing

    For the work capability assessment I’ve never heard of the rule about the spinal injury.

    If you were found to have LCWRA then this is an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise. It doesn’t just stop after 1 year. The timescale they gave is just a guide and it doesn’t mean you’ll be reviewed at that time.

    The majority of people have reviews for the work capability assessment I’ve never.

    I wouldn’t think that they would actually look up your address to see what you live in either.

  • markcumbria
    markcumbria Online Community Member Posts: 32 Contributor

    Thanks she wasn't even interested that I had only been out of a coma a few days never even asked me what had happened or anything she just kept going on about getting up stairs she even asked me how long it would take me to walk to the entrance of the hospital when at the time I wasn't even allowed out of my room at all she even said we'll take a guess I said I don't even know the way to the entrance or how far it is.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,531 Scope Online Community Specialist

    It does sound like your assessor had very little empathy for your situation. It's good that you received the award and we are here for whenever you do have another review!