When does PIP Award start?

yellowamber Online Community Member Posts: 52 Listener

If you get awarded pip for 18 months, dwp add another 12 months.

When does the official PIP date start from, is it the date you apply for pip and receive back payment from or the date you received your pip award letter through post?

Any advice appreciated.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    The date you rang to start your claim, is the start of your award. You will be awarded for a set period of time. The award letter will tell you when your PIP is due to end. It will also tell you that you will be contacted from 1 year before your award is due to end. (although at them moment they contact you about 8 months before)

  • yellowamber
    yellowamber Online Community Member Posts: 52 Listener

    Many thanks for the response.

    Just trying to figure out when the review form will come? 18 months will be june 2025 and then they added a year. Adding another 4 months is oct 2025.

    Do you know how long reviews will take once submitted?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    If you have a copy of the assessment report and they've recommended a review in 18 months then usually a decision maker will add on a year to your award so your review would be in 18 months. As I advised at the moment reviews start around 8 months before. There are very long delays for review decisions at the moment and many people are waiting around a year. Your current award will continue until a decision is made on the review.

    Have you received a decision letter yet? It will explain on there the length of your award and when to expect a review from.

  • yellowamber
    yellowamber Online Community Member Posts: 52 Listener

    I have to look for it, i think we received it in may.

    With whats happening with the chancellor and new rules which will likely come in for pip just wanted to know how long left.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    What ever they decide for PIP, it will be a very long time before changes are put into place. It's not as straight forward as just changing the PIP regulations. It has to go through parliament first and that's just to start with.