2 points off enhanced payment on PIP, how can I get it?

NesianRose Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited January 29 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

I have social anxiety and suffer with PTSD, severe s*icidal ideation, I was just 2 points off getting enhanced payment but as we know how PIP assessors are..

I have chronic vertigo, literally bed bound and cannot leave my house but they do not consider this at all, I can't walk straight and may need crutches for support.

How could I do this, I am at loss! Please help me out

A couple of years ago I took it to tribunal and they awarded me enhanced daily and normal mobility, but my mobility is not normal, I cry everyday due to being so sick and having vertigo, being dizzy and unable to walk properly, I am literally housebound

I got normal mobility due to chronic social anxiety

I am really and truly suffering please can someone aid me


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,623 Championing


    If you're unable to leave the house on more than 50% of days then 10 points is correct for the mental side of the Mobility section (planning & following a journey).

    The only way to score more points would be from the physical side. For that one, the absolute minimum you would need to prove is not being able to walk more than 200 metres outside, on the flat, either with or without crutches.

    Part of the problem here is that you don't have any diagnosed physical conditions restricting your mobility. I have exactly the same problem with vertigo limiting my mobility distances but could not prove it. In my case, as I do not need the money, I never challenged it, and am also on standard rate, the same as yourself.

    Have you been outside at all in the past year? Even if just into a back garden or to a front gate that can help prove the distance that you can or can't walk. It's not so much about what you can do here, it's about what you can prove.

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 705 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    I’m really sorry to hear what you’re going through @NesianRose it sounds incredibly difficult.

    Given your worsening condition and housebound status, you may want to challenge the decision by requesting a Mandatory Reconsideration (if still within the one-month window) or appeal again via tribunal. Many people find success at this stage. Our website has some guidance on challenging a PIP decision that might help.

    For immediate support, it’s important to reach out to someone who understands. You can contact Mind or Rethink Mental Illness for mental health support. If you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, please consider reaching out to Samaritans (free, 24/7) at 116 123.

    You may also want to speak with your GP about additional medical evidence to support your claim. If your mobility is worsening, this could strengthen your case for enhanced mobility. A welfare rights advisor or Disability Rights UK may be able to offer personalised guidance. You could also call our free helpline for some telephone support if that might help you? They're open Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM, and Saturday, 10 AM to 6 PM and you can reach them on 0808 300 3333.