Everyone Working

wendy1 Online Community Member Posts: 108 Empowering

Targeting the long term sick into finding work or will lose their benefits. This Government wants no one claiming benefits.



  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Empowering
    edited February 2

    I know. The fact that the government is wanting to do this or even just thinking about it is absolutely vile, they must surely know that it will cause a lot of deaths.

    Also, it seems they especially want to target people with serious mental health conditions and force them into work.

    I suffer from depression, anxiety, and cannot cope with a regular life, I can end up extremely suicidal.

    Luckily though nothing is set in stone at the moment. The changes they do make might end up not being anywhere near as severe, and any changes they make will take a very long time to happen.

    Just save as much money as you can for your own future safety net if that's possible. It's what I'm doing, I'm also looking into reselling to try and make a bit of money that I can put towards savings too.

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    Hi @wendy1 and @Ross1975 ,
    Good to see your thoughts on this. Honestly, I have no idea what game is being played anymore.
    My local Jobcentre is fully aware of my disabilities and the fact that I spend 80% of my time in bed, yet I’ve just been told to attend a four-week traffic marshalling training course—with a guaranteed interview and a potential job at the end of it.
    I can only laugh at the absurdity of it. How am I supposed to stand for hours directing traffic when I can barely manage basic daily activities? It feels like these policies are being created with no real understanding of the realities people like us face. If this is what we can expect from the latest push to get disabled and long-term sick people back into work, things are only going to get worse.
    I fully support genuinely meaningful opportunities—with proper person-centred adjustments and financial considerations—for those who can work. But forcing people into roles that ignore their medical conditions isn’t just unfair—it’s cruel. Instead of real support, we’re being set up to fail.
    Another thing these services need to consider carefully is whether working will actually leave them financially better or worse off. With the way benefits, wages, and living costs are structured, some may find that taking a job makes them worse off overall and losing vital benefits , which in turn can have a serious impact on their mental well-being and quality of life . Pushing people into unsuitable work without considering the financial and psychological consequences is reckless and damaging.
    Has anyone else experienced this kind of nonsense from the Jobcentre recently, especially all all the media hype about these new policies which are yet to be confirmed ?

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 118 Empowering

    it’s all madness and in the if they force people with MH conditions into work that’s unsuitable it will cost them more in the long run .
    I did laugh at the traffic marshalling course you’re being pushed into , it’s all ludicrous.

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    Absolutely @letitbe .And to add to that, there’s also the ripple effect of further burdening the already pressured NHS system. When people are forced into unsuitable jobs or face financial strain, it impacts their health and well-being, which in turn leads to more demand on healthcare services that are already stretched thin. It’s a vicious cycle that does nothing but harm to everyone involved.

  • wendy1
    wendy1 Online Community Member Posts: 108 Empowering
    edited February 2

    I can't believe what's happening in this world, so much for the start of a new year. This government are not interested one bit if they make us worse off, just as long as they stop us from claiming benefits.

    Saving won't even help, now their taking control of your savings into a pension,WHAT THE F***. Their taking our life away from us and we can't do one damn thing about it

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 182 Contributor

    @noonebelieves Hi I hope you don't mind me asking but are you in receipt of LCWRA. It's incredulous reading your post/traffic management training etc. I won't go into detail but I have 3 bowel conditions and lost two jobs because of them (was off sick c 22 times in 2 years), to the point I'm mostly housebound (c 20 other things diagnosed but bowel main issue). I sometimes think I don't know why I'm worrying about cuts etc as I wouldn't be forced into suddenly being able to go out /work etc (I'm in the bathroom more than im in bed) so if they cut my benefits, they cut them, there's nothing I can do. But of course I'd worry then but I still couldn't do anything differently. Did you refuse and what was the response. I hope you don't mind me asking and I'm so sorry that what you have wrong is being ignored. It's shocking.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,442 Championing

    Someobe on here said they can push through within 6 to 18 months that worried me

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,442 Championing

    Last time i worked i had breakdown and went on sick and targeted the boss i was deliousnal cant spell i was phoning up the office and her phone 30 40 times a day calling her bully the works i was broken i got arrested so isolate is the only way for me what about safeguarding for us and employees cant put someone who has pschfrenic sorry about spelling thier poking the donkey very very dangerous targeting MH and if they try ro put me into work i will explain what will happen and who will be liable as seriously under pressure i cannot control myself

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,442 Championing

    We have to fight back we all need to make a plan how pertitions keep flooding mps with distressing emails let them know exactly what this doing we have a voice we all seriously need to shout or we will lose everything thier be giving our homes to workers we need to start ASAP

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,157 Championing
    edited February 2

    Consultation (3 months) (march-June)

    a month at least to read consultation and respond)

    August - September they only sit two weeks (summer recess and conference session)

    September or October potential white paper.

    debates, amendments then a bill (October - December)

    Then starts the legislation processes in both houses (link I sent you)

    nothings changing this year that's almost a guarantee.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,442 Championing

    Im getting so angry with them we need to fight back thankyou nightcity

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,157 Championing

    I'm angry as well but already sent many emails, messaged people on social media spread the facts etc, not much more I can do I'm exhausted in every sense of the word tbh.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,442 Championing

    Its hard one minute up one minute down im sending emails all we can do

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,442 Championing

    If i could drive would save for cheap van to do up but i cant and i dont retain information impossible for me its the terror of being homeless i eat beqns on toast put jumpers on but to be homeless no way

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,157 Championing

    I've done you a template email in the other thread đź’ś

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Empowering
    edited February 2

    That's terrible, are you on LCW?

    While I was waiting for my WCA outcome and I had to attend the job center, I told the guy that I had depression and anxiety and cannot cope with a lot of normal things in life that most other people take for granted. After a while he suggested that I get a job as a security guard.

    I'll sometimes think, was he just taking the ****? He did look serious though when he suggested it.

    Anyway, luckily it wasn't mandatory and eventually I got awarded LCWRA.

    If my money was stopped and I was told I'd have to get a job it would kill me, because either I'd end up committing suicide because of not being able to cope, or I'd starve to death. There are things that I find so mentally uncomfortable that I'm not even able to force myself to do them.

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 53 Empowering

    When I was going to the job center while I was waiting for my WCA outcome, both work coaches there were expecting me to do this and to do that as though there was nothing wrong with me, even though I told them about my issues. 'Oh, just hop onto a bus and go to a completely different city you've never been to before and take part in a group activity', 'Oh just drive to strange places that you've never been to before' even though I told them I have issues with driving, 'Oh just join a gym', 'Become a security guard'.

    I'm sat there thinking 'Are you not listening to a **** word I'm saying?'

    I dread to think how things would be if work coaches end up being the ones deciding how sick we are and what we're capable of doing and not doing instead of WCA's. Which is another terrible idea that either this government or the last one was thinking about.

  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 202 Empowering

    If you are in LCW group and can't cope with this I think you should do a change of health and get into LCWRA they couldn't make you do this (as it stands)

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    Hi @Santosha12 ,

    I am sorry to hear about the difficulties you’re going through and hope you find some relief from your symptoms. Having similar GI issues myself, I understand how debilitating they can be.

    Regarding LCWRA, I was receiving it (until October 24)after a long waited DWP medical assessment and having to pay for medical evidence to be released from GP surgery . However, I now have an ongoing complaint and a pending mandatory reconsideration outcome, as my LCWRA was stopped and UC closed after I returned from an informed out-of-country trip to seek medical assistance due to long NHS waiting times.

    They seem to ignore all my UC journal messages. I have disputed the Signal Marshalling course, explaining my conditions and how they impact my day-to-day functioning, but I doubt they have even read my concerns. However, I responded immediately, worrying that I might be sanctioned if I didn’t.

    At present, what I receive through Universal Credit barely covers the essentials after losing LCWRA. I have also been asked to reapply for WCA by completing the DWP health assessment questionnaire again and am now waiting for the assessment. Let’s see what happens next.

    I live in constant fear every time I receive an SMS notification from the Jobcentre or hear a brown envelope drop through the door, thinking, this is it ¦ It’s not a nice feeling.
    best wishes

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected

    @Santosha12 to add I have a PIP payment which is a life saver . I have sent in my review paperwork and all my supporting medical evidences . The PIP award expires next month , so a bit anxious about it .i have been assured by one of our scope members that it should continue to pay if delayed beyond the award end date.