ESA Migration, denied extensions for serious MH crisis, where are the safeguards

Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor
edited February 2 in Universal Credit (UC)


I am sorry for the long post, In am terribly at expressing my thoughts into words.


I'm reaching out for urgent assistance regarding my complex situation. I have several long-standing mental health conditions, including:

- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

- Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

- Social Phobia

- Agoraphobia

- Panic Attacks

I'm currently on multiple medications at the maximum doses, including pregabalin, venlafaxine, propranolol, mirtazapine, zopiclone, and diazepam. I've also been using quetiapine from friends to help slow down my racing thoughts. I know the last medication is not legal but I have no other choice while waiting for over 1 year for a medication review by a psychiatrist.

Current Situation

1. I'm being moved from the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) support group with Severe Disability Premium (SDP) and Enhanced Disability Premium (EDP) to Universal Credit (UC).

2. My deadline to claim UC is March 18th.

3. I receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) at the high rate for daily living and standard rate for mobility.

4. On December 19th, 2024, I moved to my own place to escape a difficult living situation with my estranged stepfather.


1. **Missed Migration Notice**: The migration notice was issued on December 17th, just two days before I moved. I did not receive it because I had already left the property by December 19th. I only discovered that a migration notice had been issued when I phoned ESA to update my address on January 7th.

2. **DWP Miscommunication**: When I contacted the UC Managed Migration helpline:

- The first agent promised to send a new migration notice to my new address but failed to do so.

- The second agent assured me that the new notice would include a new deadline date and that I would have the full three months others typically receive. However, this promise was not honoured.

3. **January 30th Call**: When I called again on January 30th, after regaining some mental stability, I was told that my deadline remained March 18th. Despite explaining my mental health challenges and requesting an extension under the Equality Act, the agent stated that extensions are being tightened and refused my request. This has left me feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.

4. **Mental Health Impact**: My severe mental health conditions make it significantly harder for me to complete tasks like setting up bills or contacting services. Since moving six weeks ago, I've been unable to focus on priority tasks due to extreme psychological distress caused by:

- The Fear that my estranged stepfather now knows where I live

- The loss of identification documents destroyed by him

- My sisters being turned against me by his lies

- The trauma of leaving behind memories of my late mother

- Knowing my last and only friend I could fully trust is about to die from the same cancer that took my Grandad (farther figure) away from me! I am psychological overwhelmed, and 1 more anxiety away from blowing up.

Legal Considerations

1. **Regulations 44 and 45**: Under these regulations of Universal Credit law, given my circumstances—including mental health disabilities and domestic abuse—I should qualify for an extension, deferral, or cancellation of the migration notice.

2. **Equality Act 2010**: The DWP has a legal duty under this act to make reasonable adjustments for disabled claimants like me who are at a substantial disadvantage compared to others. My request for an extension to provide me with the full three months promised was denied despite this duty.

Regulation 44(5) of the UC (TP) Regs 2014:

“(5) The Secretary of State may cancel a migration notice issued to any person—

(a) if it has been issued in error; or(b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(c) in any other circumstances where the Secretary State considers it necessary to do so in the interests of the person, or any class of person, or to safeguard the efficient administration of universal credit.”

Regulation 45(1)(a) will also allow DWP staff to extend the deadline day if they also feel that there is a good reason to do so (see below), but will also allow them to extend the deadline day if a claimant asks for an extension on or before the deadline day and it is not possible, for example, either to:

· get the information needed to help make a determination on whether they have good reason (or not) to the Department by the deadline day; or

· consider the request until after the deadline day due to resources.

36. Circumstances that may be treated as good reason may include the claimant:

·having a mental-health condition;

· being disadvantaged, e.g., the claimant

o is homeless;

o has a disability;

o has learning difficulties;

having a domestic emergency; or

 having caring responsibilities.

37. This list is not exhaustive and each case will be considered on its individual

circumstances and merits.

38. Having such provision will allow the Department to tailor the process more

effectively for claimants, especially those who have complex needs or fall into

a vulnerable group. It also allows the Department to react to unexpected

situations that a claimant may have and gives DWP staff the ability to extend

the deadline day if they discover a claimant needs extra support at the

reminder stage.

39. There is no limit to the number of times an existing benefit clamant can ask

for an extension. However, on each occasion they will still have to

demonstrate a good reason for the extension to be agreed.

Other Considerations

from a PDF document titled “Universal Credit (UC) Managed Migration Pilot”

“As currently drafted, the regulations allow vulnerable people who are migrating to request an extension for making a claim. DWP staff can also extend the deadline for making a claim or cancel the migration notice for a claim. However, extensions will only be granted if there is ‘good reason’

Request for Help

I urgently need help in:

Securing an extension or deferral of the March 18th deadline under Regulations 44 and 45 or having the migration notice canceled due to exceptional circumstances. I hoped they would extend my deadline to at the very least until April 7th, giving me the full three months everyone else received, from when I received the notification that I had been issued an migration notice on the 7th of January .

Ensuring compliance with the Equality Act by having reasonable adjustments made for my disabilities.

I am trying to manage my mental health during this transition and obtaining replacement identification documents. even a call to the CAB is challenging for me due to my social phobia.

This is my first opportunity to live independently and recover from past traumas. However, without additional support or adjustments from DWP, I fear losing this chance due to circumstances beyond my control, I am on a starter tenancy so can not go into rent arrears, but the way the DWP are acting has reinforced this fear. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.

Where are the safeguards for ESA support group claimants? I find it very concerning that they are being so cold towards claimants that are in complete distress and can give reasons for needing an extension, my last pip review I was given 4 extensions. I have never felt so discriminated against considering everything I am currently going through, being told over and over by multiple agents that I have plenty of time, stop worrying….Worrying! I suffer with GAD, and what may be a long time for most others is not for me, especially with all the ID I now need to try to get, I have not been able to do anything productive since I’ve moved in, I have been stuck in my own head with to many things to worry about at once, Again I have never lived alone and been responsible for the Priority Bills. The DWP and the people they contract to work on their behalf really are just disgusting! No wonder people just give up. I did this move to have the best chance of living a semi normal life, wishful thinking!


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,417 Championing

    I dont know the answer but wanted to say im so sorry this is happening i would ask them to note your mental distress and how the treatment is pushing you to breaking point This is not acceptable !!

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,622 Championing

    I wasn't sure whether to post this as it may not be appreciated but I think they are right in this case. I think there is still enough time with that deadline. And the amount of time, effort and stress you're putting into getting an extension could be put into completing the migration instead. I really don't think it's worth the hassle just to get an extra couple of weeks. That is obviously my opinion and you're welcome to disagree with it.

    It's not possible to have the migration cancelled because legacy benefits have ended now and everyone on them is being migrated by the end of this year.

    The online form isn't that difficult and you can do it in small sections if you prefer, saving it each time and coming back to it. The ID can be done over the phone if that would help the lack of current address ID.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,417 Championing

    I find that harsh they explained how they feel not everyone can keep a level head in times of stress

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,417 Championing

    I understand what your saying but in times of stress logic can go out the window

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    I understand that people may think its plenty of time but it is not to myself! I am really struggling with life right now and the actions taken by my estranged stepfather to lie and turn my sisters against me has really added to my normal daily patten of waking up, first thought that enters my head is an anxious one that will then dictate the rest of the day, I need promoting from my nan who is my carer to eat, showers, etc., I needed 4 extensions to get my PIP review done last year which then involved getting my GP and MP involved to ask for a paper based assessment due to extra psychological distress, I will go days with extrema low motivation as a side effects of meds and just the nature of my condition, It had taken me until Thursday of this week to gain the courage because I had a rare good day talk to the council tax team and change me address for my bank.

    I can normally only handle one anxiety at a time, again 1 is enough to disable me from doing anything productive, but I am still getting used to living alone, my sisters all turning against me and taking his side of events as fact, this move to UC, My best friend was given until January this year to live, (I have lost 5 of the closest people in my life over the past 5 years) and my deceased grandads birthday is this Saturday 8th which i am trying to help my nan arrange something special to do, which i just cannot focus on at all, plus i have other medical issues and complaints because i was neglected by the mental health team, despite me emailing and sending in letters begging for help, I am on my straw… The fact that I feel I also have to explain all of this is very embarrassing and leaves me feeling less of a human. I cannot get the support I need from the NHS and I am trying to save to go private

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    I have for the last week been trying to understand how to create a pre paid tracked return evelope to go with me Driving Lience to the DVLA to return my evidence….. that is how bad I am, what is normal to others is not normal to me

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    I am more concerned about those who’s disabilities make it impossible to talk to the dwp, I am only able to because i refuse to be treated like this, saying they would reissue my notice to the correct new address but not following through.
    I suggest anyone that speaks to the migration hotline, Record the phone call!!!

    Disgusting considering they are migrating the most vulnerable of us now to UC.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,622 Championing

    It is impossible for me to talk to the DWP, so I am aware it's not an easy process for everyone. I apologise if my post came across as insensitive, that really isn't the way it was meant. I just find the best way to prioritise things is to remove all emotion from them and just try to focus on what absolutely needs to be done from a practical perspective. I would say keeping income is a higher priority than missing a bill payment, for example.

    If you still need to create a pre-paid Tracked envelope, that can be done online through the Royal Mail website as long as you have access to a printer.

    Royal Mail Click & Drop | Send an item - Click. Save. We Collect

    Click on Send an Item on the link above. Click on 'Large Letter'. Click on '750g'. Click the service you want (I'd go with Tracked48). Put your email and/or phone in for the tracking. Then type your own name & home address in when it asks where the package is going. Then type your own name again when it asks where it's being sent from. Add to basket. Then add your email address and payment info. Then you can print off the label and stick it to your envelope with tape.

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    thanks for that advise, but when I get to the checkout part it says it needs to be posted within 4 weeks, if the dvla take longer than that it would no longer be valid… I’m sorry I am in a severe state of depression right now, everything just seems to complicated

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,622 Championing

    I know it says that but I have had items posted after that date and they've still been valid. That is the only option I know of if you need a Tracked service unfortunately.

    Do you mind if I ask why you need to send your licence to the DVLA? If you're just changing the address, I think that can be done online without having to send anything.

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    I do not have a passport so cannot setup a online account to do it online, I also needed to change my surname back to my birth name because I was adopted by my mothers husband when I was 6 he was my childhood abuser so my mother divorced him and just told the school, gp etc that my surname was now my birth surname. It’s a very complicated story sorry and I do not feel like I can explain it right now, basically my first bank and jobs was all under my birth surname so the name on my driving license was never used, I did not know about deedpolls until recently, it’s all just a mess, Iv not driven a car since my early 20’s

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,622 Championing

    I don't have a passport either but think I must have been able to change address online when I moved, although that was several years ago now. I understand that's not an option if you need to change name as well though. It does sound like everything is happening at once for you and I'm sorry to hear that.

    Royal Mail do offer pre-paid Special Delivery envelopes which you could write your address on and they have no end date. But they are very expensive. Only available in packs of 5 online, though you might be able to buy just one from a Post Office store if you can access one locally.

    Pack of 5 C5 Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm Envelopes | Royal Mail

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    oh yes £50 is to much for me atm.

    I am paying the rent out of my pip and the sdp currently (social landlord), I had only just became entitled to sdp when I moved in December, I did see online someplace else that if I did it this way and waited until at least my first esa payment with sdp included had been paid and it was backdated till the date I moved out because I phoned mid January to report a change of address, that under a managed migration if I made my the claim for the housing element as part of my UC migration claim, I should still get transitional protection for SDP, do you or anyone else know if this is correct? I can’t find the source of information a had read previously. I’m so sorry my anxiety is at an all time high

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,622 Championing

    Yes, that is correct. As long as you get at least 1 SDP payment before migrating, the UC Transitional Protection will be calculated including the SDP.

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor
    edited February 4

    Yes, that is correct. As long as you get at least 1 SDP payment before migrating, the UC Transitional Protection will be calculated including the SDP

    Phew it’s nice to have some good news for once! Thank you kindly!

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,113 Championing

    If someone was awarded SDP after migrating to UC any Transitional Protection would be recalculated to the start of their UC claim to reflect the SDP in their legacy benefits.

  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor
    edited February 5

    thank you but overlyanxious got it corrected, I was awarded SDP before migrating to UC, Thanks to an amazing email from Morgan @ the scope community team:

    Regarding your UC migration deadline, you have strong grounds to request an extension under Regulations 44 and 45 due to your mental health and circumstances. I’d recommend contacting Citizens Advice or Z2K, who specialise in benefits advocacy and can help challenge DWP decisions. You may also want to involve your local MP, who can escalate urgent cases like yours.

    My tenancy support officer has contacted someone she personally knows who works at my local job centre who deals with vulnerable people, she agrees to all of the advice given from Morgan and stated that the staff at managed migration helpline are not trained well enough, I have also contacted my MP who replied within hours with a consent form to act on my behalf! What this MM advice line are telling those of us who are vulnerable is just wrong, and We have the right to request extensions due to our health conditions! Do not let them bully you off the phone, contact your local CAB who should act on your behalf, they know that under section 44 and 45 we have the right to get an extension if needed due to your health!

    I hope this helps others who find themselves being incorrect told that they can no longer give extensions!