bexxi2 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited February 4 in Benefits and income

Had my pip report today been on it for almost 5 or so years and this is my first ever assessment.

problem is DWP have down about the abuse that happened during my childhood which related in pregnancy I kept my baby I honestly think I'd off died if it continued once I found out I spoke up and told professionals

Problem is I asked specifically asked for a female assessor I obviously did not get this then the man asks is your child's father involved even though it's on the system not to go to deep into my abuse so I don't have to constantly relive it I already suffer flashbacks night mares the lot the last thing I want to do is talk to a male about this my dad was there fully supporting me problem is my dad spoke up during the assessment for me his tone off voice is always loud but he is not aggressive in any manner

I've now got this report and from what he's said I feel like he's made loads off lies ..

On the point scoring pages where they ask questions how do I know if he's agreeing or saying am ok? To my answers it's so confusing it's looks to me if I'm correct I'll only ge5 like one point if DM sides with him reports so confusing! Says I can walk 200m or more my legs physically can but mentally I can not do this I got abused by 2 really dangerous men who have recently been released after a decade in prison know where my family and I live the area I do not know where they live anymore I have to get taxis absolutely anywhere I go and even then I am with a family member or on the phone to my dad HP says I was mentally ok during the call he could not see my panic attacks i was having I had a fidget toy that I was literally breaking !! So frustrating I have 2 children I have to take to school via taxis twice a day I cannot imagine how I could even take them if this is right


  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,240 Championing

    Im so sorry its soul destroying when recieve the reports and you know thats not what you said are you going to do MR ? On the report highlight what you dont agree with and tell them how reliving trauma has effected you point out you asked for female write everything can get fsmily to write letters how your life is i wish you all the best do not be fearful of dwp this happens alot

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Whilst I totally understand how difficult it must be to relive what happened to you, if the assessor needs information for something then they do need to ask, if they don't then how can you be assessed properly?

    For the moving around part (walking) this doesn't apply if you're claiming because of mental health, cognitive or sensory reasons. In this case it will be the following and planning a journey part that would be appropriate for you.

    To add up any points that are recommended, in the report you will see activities and descriptors. Next to those there will be either a dot or a tick. You can use the PIP self test and transfer those dots from the report into the self test and at the end it will add up any points they maybe recommended.
