Esa50 or lcwra?

Hels45 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited February 4 in Benefits and income

Is there a way of providing answers under each question? Sorry to ask but I struggle alot with reading and processing due to pain and brain fog.

Here goes.....

  •  I applied for UC but was told I'm not eligible to receive financial support due to my husbands wages. So I currently get awarded 0 pence. I still have to accept commitment every month.

  • I've also applied for ESA and currently get £90.50 per week.

  • I've since been given a uc50 form to complete. I'm now questioning whether I should close the UC account as I'm under the impression I would receive more financial support if I was awarded the ESA support group instead of  LCWRA with UC. And given I receive £0.00p UC benefit this seems to make sense. Is this correct? If not correct I've got some more questions below.

  • If I complete the uc50 and get awarded lcwra does that mean I'll get £416.19 per month plus my current ESA £90.50 per week?

  • If I do the ESA work capability form instead and get awarded the support group would I still get £90.50 per week and the support group rate of £138.20? Or would I only get £138.2 per week? 

  • In the bigger picture which would be the better option to apply for financially? Esa50 or uc50?

  • I've been told ESA support group better long-term as you can remain in group after the standard ESA finishes. Would this not happen in the lcwra group? 

  • Asking such questions as I'm super worried about finances and how to continue paying bills.

  • Is there any benefit to staying under UC and hopefully getting LCWRA even if it means getting less financial support than I would under the ESA support group?

  • If it's best to apply for the esa50 do I ring jobcentre plus? And explain situation. Could I start that process rolling straight away as already receive basic ESA and could I close UC today or would I have to wait? I have a health assessment phone call after 24th Feb for the UC50...... Worried if I complete it I'll be stuck with UC route which may be unhelpful 

  • Saw some information about migration from ESA to UC. Does this apply to new style ESA as well? As far as I'm aware it only relates to income related old style ESA

Any help would be appreciated,
Many thanks,



  • Hels45
    Hels45 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Forgot to add I may be entitled to some compensation. With this in mind....overall which would be better financially given I don't get any UC due husband's wage. ESA support group or lcwra?

    Many thanks

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    You can claim New Style ESA, in conjunction with UC, provided you have paid or been credited with the necessary NI Contributions, usually the 2 years before the year you are claiming for.

    The "support group" equivalent in UC is LCWRA, there are no longer enhanced or severe disability premiums with UC.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,812 Championing
    edited February 4

    Do you have a dependent child on your claim?

    My further reply depends on the answer to this question.

  • Hels45
    Hels45 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    I don't. Just me and my husband.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,812 Championing

    Thanks for answering, here is a reply I drafted earlier.

    I've since been given a uc50 form to complete. I'm now questioning whether I should close the UC account as I'm under the impression I would receive more financial support if I was awarded the ESA support group instead of LCWRA with UC. And given I receive £0.00p UC benefit this seems to make sense. Is this correct? If not correct I've got some more questions below.

    If you are awarded LCWRA then you will also get a Work Allowance. This is the amount your husband can earn before deductions are made.

    Currently, for every £1 he earns £0.55p is taken fron your UC award.

    With the Work Allowance, he can earn £404 (if you claim Housing Element) or £673 (if you don't) before that deduction is made.

    Depending on your husbands wage the UC still might be zeroed even with the addition of LCWRA & work allowance. You could fill out a benefits calculator as though you already get LCWRA and see if there is an award remaining.

    If I complete the uc50 and get awarded lcwra does that mean I'll get £416.19 per month plus my current ESA £90.50 per week?

    If you are awarded LCWRA then your ESA will be deducted in full from your UC award. When NS ESA rises to £138.20 a week, the deduction is £598.86. I know this looks wrong but it isn't, ESA is paid weekly and UC monthly, and there are 4.3 weeks in a month.

    If I do the ESA work capability form instead and get awarded the support group would I still get £90.50 per week and the support group rate of £138.20? Or would I only get £138.2 per week?.

    £138.20 a week is the maximum NS ESA award.

    In the bigger picture which would be the better option to apply for financially? Esa50 or uc50?

    UC as it would top up your ESA income (assuming there is entitlement financially to UC)

    I've been told ESA support group better long-term as you can remain in group after the standard ESA finishes. Would this not happen in the lcwra group?

    Not sure what you mean, as long as you remain entitled both NS ESA & UC LCWRA carry on.

    Is there any benefit to staying under UC and hopefully getting LCWRA even if it means getting less financial support than I would under the ESA support group?

    As before if entitled UC would top up your NS ESA income.

    If it's best to apply for the esa50 do I ring jobcentre plus? And explain situation. Could I start that process rolling straight away as already receive basic ESA and could I close UC today or would I have to wait? I have a health assessment phone call after 24th Feb for the UC50...... Worried if I complete it I'll be stuck with UC route which may be unhelpful

    With a dual claim (UC & NS ESA) you have one work capability assessment which counts for both benefits. The decision applies to both. If in future UC ends for whatever reason, you'll still get the NS ESA.

    Saw some information about migration from ESA to UC. Does this apply to new style ESA as well? As far as I'm aware it only relates to income related old style ESA

    Yes migration to UC only applies to the old IR ESA, not New Style ESA.

    Forgot to add I may be entitled to some compensation.

    What kind of compensation? Some types are excluded from calculating the amount of your capital for UC purposes for one year.

    Repayment of debt is also permitted for UC purposes so if your compensation took you over 16k (the UC upper limit) and wasn't excluded, you could pay off debts to take it back down without it being considered deprivation of capital.

  • Hels45
    Hels45 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    I feel I need to close my UC account as I get £0.00.

    I would get more financial support under ESA support group than LCWRA from my understanding.

    I'm under new style ESA anyways but been given the UC50. I know it's the same as esa50. But I want to be processed under ESA.

    Can I close my UC account and just remain on ESA to go through the work capability process? Or is it too late now I've been sent the UC50?

    If I did close the UC account and got in touch with ESA to explain that would they roll me into the work capability process or have I now missed that stage with them? I opened an account with new style ESA Oct 2024

    Feeling overwhelmed as my head in constant pain with condition and can't seem to sort this out

    Many thanks

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    I might be in danger of overreaching myself, what with being newish here, but there is no 'Support Group' now, only LCWRA, the UC equivalent.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,812 Championing
    edited February 4

    My reply was very long, please take some time to read, re read and digest it.

    Your current UC entitlement is £0, but if you get LCWRA that may change both through the additional money which increases your award before deductions, and the Work Allowance which mean less deductions to your husbands earnings.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,269 Championing

    You do not need to close your UC claim and I see no need for you do that, unless you've used a benefits calculator and taken into consideration the work allowance, which you would have if found to have either LCW or LCWRA and there's still no entitlement.

    Even if you're unable to use a benefits calculator there's no harm in letter the UC claim run because if there is entitlement if you're found to have LCWRA then the work allowance would apply from the assessment period in which you provided your first fit note.

    When you have a dual claim for ESA and UC the work capability assessment will be done through UC and not ESA. There's no difference anyway and as kimmy advised, the decision applies to both benefits.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,269 Championing

    Well there is because there are still many people claiming the old ESA, myself included. For this reason, so many people refer to it as Support Group, rather than LCWRA.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    Oh I know that. I was ESA SG until a couple of weeks ago. I might have misunderstood the question. I had thought Hels wanted to know whether to claim SG or LCWRA.

  • Hels45
    Hels45 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Kimmy and Poppy.....

    I'm struggling to understand what you call the work allowance? Is there something I can read about it please?

    Is it connected solely to LCWRA?

    We aren't entitled to any other elements of UC assistance as my husband earns over the threshold.

    I prefer the idea of just being under ESA as it's not means tested in case I get compensation from work.

    I was told UC won't be of benefit as id get more from the ESA support group

    Really confused. Apologies. My migraines are so bad every day which is probably not helping.

    If there's an easy to read guide about LCWRA and work allowance or comparing this to ESA support group let me know. Or if you have the time to explain that would be super helpful


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,812 Championing
    edited February 10

    Currently on your UC claim, for every £1 earned UC reduce your award by £0.55p.

    If you are given LCW or LCWRA, your husband can earn £404 (if claiming Housing Element) or £673 (without HE) before UC will start the deduction above.

    That is known as the work allowance.

    Example, your husband earns £1000 per month.

    Current deduction £550

    Deduction with Work Allowance (no HE) £179.85

    (£1000- £673 ignored= £327 to deduct from)

    If awarded LCWRA, your UC entitlement would rise by £416.19.

    That with the work allowance means your UC award might not be zero.