Hi, my name is DavidS14! My wife & I have just received our UC Migration letters...

DavidS14 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited February 4 in Start here and say hello!

My wife & I have just received our UC Migration letters.
These only mention her Housing Benefit and my Income Support, but we do receive other benefits; in her case these are PIP (Support Group) and Contribution based ESA, in mine Carers Allowance.

Have I correctly understood that her ESA will be eroded even though it isn't specifically mentioned on the letter?

Also will this affect my Carer's Allowance?


  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 508 Empowering

    I believe your wife's Contribution Based ESA isn't mentioned, because only Income Related ESA stops after you claim UC.

    The Contributions Based element becomes New Style ESA. Which you can continue to claim alongside UC.

    I am to get NS ESA every fortnight, in conjunction with a monthly payment of UC.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 2,814 Championing

    Her ESA will swap to New Style ESA (if it isn't that already).

    The monetary amount will be deducted in full from your UC award.

    Your Carers Allowance will also be deducted in full from the UC award.

    You will still receive the weekly amount for Carers and your wife ESA fortnightly.

    The deductions may look more than you receive, this is because CA&ESA are weekly payments and UC is paid monthly, there are more than 4 weeks in a month.

    You won't have any work requirements under UC because you are a carer, you can also claim Carers Element under UC.

  • DavidS14
    DavidS14 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Thanks, folks. That's very helpful. 🙂