Being told to attend face to face at job centre or claim will be closed because of PIP back payment.



  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 17

    There is not a paper trail of what is happening, nothing is on my journal regarding the call, there is also no issued statement for February, but no notice saying its suspended either. It is like they making it up as they go along at this point.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 658 Empowering

    Why is there no inflation adjustment for £6,000-16,000? This can no longer be called big money.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 620 Empowering

    How can you guys be so wealthy? I spend every penny!

  • Danny123
    Danny123 Online Community Member Posts: 45 Connected

    Surely you only have to tell them about changes in savings if you go over the 6000 limit no ?

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 19

    My MP has responded with offer to help.
    I also got told there is another breach of process, where a request that precedes hold of payments is supposed to be at least 2 weeks notice.
    I might not respond back now until there is something that actually happens, as I dont plan to report every step of whats happening. But there is still nothing on the journal and no contact to arrange a home visit. so thats where things stand at the moment.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,681 Championing

    Being repeatedly failed by society and the system in my case. Trapped in a tiny upstairs flat. Can't get out, can't drive, can't travel, can't access healthcare or leisure activities. Don't have any storage space. Can't eat much, can't drink anything other than water. It's just an existence. If I had my way I'd have been bumped off half a decade ago instead of being forced to continue existing like this until the natural end.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,681 Championing

    Yes, that's correct. If you're well under the £6k then there's no need to keep declaring changes. Though I have read that UC are asking some people who don't declare to update savings every 6-12 months. Not sure whether that's a random selection or whether there's any trigger for it.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering
    edited February 19

    That’s good that ur MP will back u up . Pls keep us updated on what happens . Hope it goes ok

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering

    Sorry to hear all this

    is it anxiety disorder you have ? I know it can be really paralysing .
    how long have you not been out for ? Do u have any support ?

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,681 Championing

    My username is a bit misleading tbh. I was gaslit into thinking my issues were all anxiety based and I just needed to 'try harder'. At one point I had a half-baked GP diagnosis of OCD and agoraphobia. But I've realised the restrictions are all physical - digestive issues, vertigo, vision and mobility issues now. Some of them were/are worsened by anxiety of course, but it was never just anxiety. Personally I think I'm on the autistic spectrum as well, which always limited my communication face to face.

    I haven't been in any vehicle at all for nearly 4 years since the vertigo and digestive issues became too severe for that. I can get 'outside' on a good day, but it's just a housing estate, there aren't even any shops that I can walk to.

    I do have one relative that gets my shopping each week. But they don't fully understand my situation and I haven't been able to cope with them visiting inside for about 4 years. So I don't really have any support. What is frustrating in my case is that I could potentially manage more if I was on the ground floor with a few other improvements, but there's no help with finding suitable properties in my situation. All of the 'mental' treatment I've ever tried involved being able to get to places or do the physical things that I can't manage reliably or predictably. That made me realise that there couldn't be any suitable mental treatment unless I could live in a more manageable property to start with.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering

    are you on the social housing list? If not you should def apply and if you have mobility issues it might get you some priority.
    Sorry to hear you were gaslit - it’s happened to me quite a few times as well an it’s really out of order when we’re not listened to. Could u get an autism assessment?

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering

    I understand when you say waiting for the natural end - it’s how I feel aswell . So tired of the constant struggle .

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 620 Empowering

    I can relate to your last sentence. I have a groundhog day existence too.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 620 Empowering

    I bet you have already thought of this but I would have thought it a fire risk for the council to leave you in an upper floor flat.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,681 Championing

    I've been on the housing list for over 3 years at Band B. I can't get higher priority for mobility issues as I don't have a diagnosis for them and can't cope with a needs assessment being done now. I'm also only allowed to bid on 1 bedroom properties, and almost all of the ground floor places that come up on there are 2 bed. But the major limiting factor is that I physically and practically can't travel at all, so a move would have to be within a very short walking distance of my current flat, and there just aren't any suitable properties on the housing list in my area. I currently rent privately, and that would be my most realistic option for a move, but have been repeatedly refused other private rentals due to benefit income.

    I couldn't get an autism assessment when I tried back in 2021 because I couldn't travel to the assessment centre and they wouldn't do it online at the time. Now I can't manage any direct communication or social interaction at all. I hope to have an autism assessment done through the internet in future if a more manageable property offers the opportunity to do that. But it wouldn't change any of the physical or practical limitations anyway, all it would do is potentially put some weight behind the reasonable adjustments that I would need in order to access healthcare for example.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering

    oh that seems like a lot to deal with and your stuck in a catch 22. Don’t the council have an option of filling in a housing needs medical form form priority ( instead of an in person needs assessment)?
    I have recently filled in one of these form and had no idea about it until I got in touch with my local counsellor who contacted the council and I got the form to fill in, I’m not hopeful about it though and I’m 99.9% sure it’ll be rejected.
    I don’t think I could deal with an inperson needs assessment either .
    it might be worth contacting your local counsellor to find out ?

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,681 Championing

    My council don't own any properties so it's done through a Housing Association in my area. I have to do review forms every 6 months or so but they always reject the need for ground floor property. Strangely they have accepted the need for level access shower though. Would have thought both go together.

    It doesn't really matter anyway though, as I say there aren't any suitable properties locally on their list. My local MP was no help at all, I've contacted them a few times over the years regarding PIP, UC, housing, medical care etc.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering

    I hope you’ll be able to find something more suitable and helps your MH and physical health

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 20

    A government document here on suspension guidelines.

    Change of circumstances that would reduce the Universal Credit award
    When a change of circumstances is reported and more information or evidence
    is required, the claimant must be told of their responsibility to provide this
    14 days (or longer in certain circumstances) and the potential
    consequences of not doing so.
    If the claimant does not provide the required information, the claim must be
    superseded to remove whichever additional amount is affected by the change
    of circumstances.
    Therefore, suspension is not appropriate and the claimant
    will have the right of appeal.


    The claimant must be informed using their journal:
    • the reason for the suspension
    • what evidence or information they need to provide for the suspension to
    be lifted
    • they have 14 days (or longer in certain circumstances) to provide the
    required evidence or information
    • if they do not respond, the claim may be closed from the date of the
    suspension after 1 calendar month