Being told to attend face to face at job centre or claim will be closed because of PIP back payment.



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,653 Championing

    Thankyou that's real peace of mind I've been scared as I might have over spent and they will go back years as I've had 3 pay outs thankyou very up

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,653 Championing

    I think it is all random I had benefit check for housing benefit god I was so scared all was ok talking to daughter I always make myself so so ill over anything to do with things I cannot control it's awful the torment hope your OK today x

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,653 Championing

    OOh I see I feel reassured with Charlie 72 message they don't take alot off because 2019 got a payback and thier probley go back that far god nows what I spent my dad was giving me money back then I just can't worry anymore haven't intently wrong is thier anything like a bed hoover home items you need

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,653 Championing

    Do you pay this amount over a monthly plan thankyou very much for explaining I may not have anything to worry about the mind goes all over the place 😀

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 17

    Ok here is an update, I think i am going to be contacting my MP.

    I didnt attend the appointment, they just rang me, and as a result my UC payments are on hold as they insist they need this evidence and in paper format only.

    I asked them specifically will I have to go through this process every time I report a change, they said yes, I mentioned about others doing it online and they claim this is something they have never heard off. Basically every single change of financial circumstances reported will require physical statements, not a one off.

    They have agreed to a home appointment or family member taking it in, but this seems stupid, as other people are not been asked to do this, it feels like I am being picked on.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    I know all the worry makes our MH even worse the stress is terrible . Hope u feel better Catherine x

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,677 Championing

    Thank you for the update. I don't know what to advise next unfortunately.

    I really hope it's not a new trial. But can't see that it would be, as it would add a large workload to Job Centres that are already overworked and understaffed.

    I will be left with no choice but to stop reporting or lose UC if it happens to me.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    this is ridiculous, what’s the point of having that option on the journal then ?
    I can’t believe they are doing this to you, is it a case manager you’ve spoken to or just a work coach ?

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    the whole thing is ridiculous and stressful, if this is what we have to do every time our savings change ill absolutely make sure after I report my saving in next few months I’ll not be reporting again after that because I’ll spend every penny of my income after that don’t even care if they think it’s depravation , I can’t go through this every month .
    I read in a forum ages ago that’s it’s absolutely best to try and keep savings below 6k, wish I’d have done this .

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 17

    The idea of stopping UC has already gone through my head, close the claim, when savings get down to 1k, open it again, I would keep LCWRA I assume via nsESA. Maybe they are trying to push me in this direction, an easy way of removing TP.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    Maybe I’ll do this as well - was it easy to apply for nsESA? Did you do it all on the phone ?

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,677 Championing
    edited February 17

    Although this seems like the easier option, it may not be quite that simple.

    You only have 6 months in which to reopen a closed claim. If you leave it longer than 6 months then you have to start a whole new claim. I'm not sure whether your savings would drop enough in 6 months while getting NS ESA payments as well? Also bear in mind you'd lose free prescriptions and access to social tariffs for broadband and energy if you use those. And you may lose council tax reduction as well.

    If you leave it longer than 6 months (or for those of us whose claims close when capital exceeds £16k) we would have to start a brand new claim. That means going through the ID verification process again. And waiting for the NS ESA details to be sent over to get LCWRA. Then we'd have to reapply for council tax reduction.

    I'm not sure if you would lose TP by reopening a closed claim within 6 months. I do know that if we have to start a new claim (for reasons above) then we would lose the TP.

    It's also worth noting they may ask for bank statements if you try to open a claim that has dipped below the £6k. Spending the capital while you're not on UC can still count as deprivation when you reapply again.

    Sadly there doesn't seem to be an easy option at the moment.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 17

    I think as long as I didnt have to do a new WCA I would consider it. My situation is a bit awkrawd, PIP and nsESA is not enough for me, but it would take a while I guess for my balance to get low enough to, however all 3 combined (at least with TP) would eventually take me above the 6k limit. My rent is pretty high as I privately rent, its pretty much aligned with my new PIP payment amount. So basically my nsESA would be for all other bills.
    My council recently did a council tax consultation, and they are including PIP daily living in support from April 2025.
    Also looks like HC2 certificates still exist, I used to use these before I started getting income based ESA top up.
    I think you are right they would ask for new statements when reopening it as they will want to know how the savings went down, but I could provide all those in one go when opening the new claim and then that should be it.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 17

    I was on the old CB ESA before migrating to UC, they then automatically migrated that to nsESA. I had to agree to commitments over a phone call.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    I just can’t get my head around it all - confuses me no end

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited February 17

    I dont advise following the road I tread, I seem to be the only person who has been told this, so it doesnt mean it will happen to you, and my idea feels like its not rationale, although I think its less of a problem than what the DWP want me to do if I am to keep getting UC. The PIP payment is disregarded, so I expect I wont be reporting another change of circumstances for about another 6 months, but then it would be constant, so UC constantly getting suspended whilst they book a new visit to collect my statements, it would be like a permanent review. The whole thing seems too much for me to handle and really inefficient, I think it would have been ok if all I had to do was enter the new balance on the journal.

    The DWP have mistreated me in the past as well, for a while many years ago I had to supply sick notes whilst on LCWRA, they never provided an explanation for it, and it only got stopped when my MP stepped in.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    seems really unfair for u and like u say if all you had to do was to report savings on journal and they make the calculations it would be much easier .
    Because I get pip and LCWRA I would have to report every month an increase and I just can’t handle going into jobcentre every month.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
  • Tergelet
    Tergelet Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    It is best to contact the Job Centre to find out if a personal appearance is required, especially if you have already updated your details online. The main thing is to keep all notifications and confirmations of data updates to avoid possible problems.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing

    The hotline say they have no way of contacting the JC, and it was the JC who rang me earlier and spoke to me, everything I said in the post about me having to go through the process on every single change was said to me directly by the JC.