wca with little to no medical evidence (long read)

justanobody00 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected
edited February 17 in Universal Credit (UC)

hi it’s me

so a few days ago i got my work capability assessment in the post and now im filling it out by hand. my first question is, can i download, digitally type on and print out the pdf on the government website or am i stuck with writing it by hand? it’s stressing and overwhelming me to the point of tears and avoiding it altogether.

another thing, i have little to no medical evidence of my mental health issues: severe anxiety, depression, ptsd, agoraphobia, mood swings, (RARELY not as bad as it used to be when i was a teenager) suicidal thoughts. i’ve been referred for an adult autism and adhd assessment which they sent me a pdf letter for. im not sure if i can use this as evidence to get lcwra.

also, on 13th december 2024 o had a phone appointment with my GP who ill be frank was quite cold and had no empathy for me. i had a trusted person on the call with me and he explained all my issues from my abusive toxic childhood (parents who denied me from mental health support, i was gaslit and manipulated into thinking i was attention seeking and making a big deal and drama by using my mental health so i have nothing in my record from childhood) to my mental health problems now and what did my GP do? Prescribe me antidepressants which only made me get headaches, nausea and tmi made my period flow heavier - no change to my issues.

She gave me a 2 month long sick note with the condition as “anxiety” that woman put only anxiety as the reason why i’m not suitable for work for 2 months lol after everything she was told and referring me to autism and adhd assessment. she never told me about other MH services i could access or followed up with me. she also didn’t bother to get my prescriptions delivered to my door knowing im terrified to go outdoors so it took me 3 days to leave the house with a trusted person to collect the stupid thing from the pharmacy and i had a full on panic attack and meltdown once at home.

now i’ve submitted a new request for another sick note and ive also firmly said in the request not to downplay my mental health as anxiety only and to refer to me to a MH specialist/team for support. i’ve yet to hear back. my question is, how much of a chance do i have with barely any medical evidence? what can i do for this? i have a diary of my symptoms ive written in a notebook, i’ve recorded everything from real world experiences. i’m filling out the wca form to the best of my ability and detail.

also note, i left my onsite warehouse admin job of 1 year+ on august 2024 and haven’t been in work since the toxic bullying office culture was the final nail in the coffin. also this job was the only job i’ve lasted 1 year in, my previous jobs i’ve lasted only months in. i honestly don’t think im mentally well enough to work again.

someone suggested i get social services to help because i can go for weeks without showering, i order takeaway food to avoid cooking cuz its overwhelming and triggers bad memories from childhood, i limit using washing machine as much as possible - it’s so loud that it stresses me out and the sickly sweet smell of the laundry detergent and fabric softener makes me nauseous.

but the issue is - i’m a lodger in a house with extremely nosey, intrusive overbearing landlords who won’t hop off my back and i don’t trust them at all with my life (done it once and never again, backfired on me so bad) so my trusted person was telling me that i need to get added on the social housing waiting list to possibly get my own safe space where i can be happier. but im not sure how to get about this…

can someone help me please? i’m getting distressed…



  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,398 Championing

    Yes you use an electronic copy of the UC50, fill it out by typing and print it to send off.


    This link will help get an application for social housing started.


    This will help you to get a needs assessment, this is well worth doing and would be evidence in your favour for social housing application. Waits are very very long to be housed so as many medical points as possible helps.

  • justanobody00
    justanobody00 Online Community Member Posts: 17 Connected

    hi kimmy87 thank you so much for the links, you’re a star xx

    however i’m not too worried about the social housing and social needs assessment yet, it’s the wca stuff im worried about because im wanting to get lcwra but i have little to no evidence as ive mentioned in my post.

    im just scared they will not believe me without any proof from my doctor (aside from a sick note and an antidepressant prescription that didn’t work on me at all) so i’m wondering what to do and who to contact to write a letter for me or something i don’t know.

    again thank you for your help :)

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Empowering

    It might be best to see a different doctor, hopefully the the new one that you see will be more empathetic.