£479 down with transitional protection?

lizzie152 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited February 22 in Benefits and income

I have dine my migration over to universal credit.and an agent that had to manually add one of my benefits onto my claim.

So skipping forward. I had my first statement and it was £479 less they miscalculated the transitional protection element . So I raised the concern with a lovely lady in payments through my journal who looked into my claim with detail and has handed it bavk to transtional protection for this to be adjusted .we even have the name of the agent.all this is being dine through my journal.

I just hope that they ammend it to the correct amount as CAB helped me do this.

Does anyone know if I have dine this the correct way.

I haven't claimed benefots for 20 years . I am disabled. With enhanced pip.but have to prove I have the disability and provide fit notes.

I was on tax credits & housing benefit so with the transtional protection I should be kn the same amount and not-£479 shouldn't I. Sorry for the lengthy message ..any help or advise would be most appreciated..

Thanks for reading


  • lizzie152
    lizzie152 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    Sorry I'm also adding this.

    MMy first statement i got £0 universal and only £274 towards my housing ..

    But I should have £333 child element & £437.55 towards housing which is the exact amount I was in reciept of before I migrated. I have also added the migration reference number. Is this correct.

    Thanks for reading

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 894 Pioneering


    Hi sorry I can't advise you about benefits but I just popped by to wish you a warm welcome to the community.

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @lizzie152. Do you recall how much you used to receive in housing benefit? It does sound like they may not have calculated your claim correctly. Does it show on your UC statement why your housing element is so low?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing
    edited February 22

    @Morgan If a child element has been missed this most likely means a child hasn't been verified for the claim, including the bedroom allowance for Housing Element.

    Transitional Protection isn't always added in time for the first payment. You did the right thing bringing this to their attention 😊

    Unfortunately neither Tax Credits nor PIP count for the UC WCA process. Only ESA gives automatic entitlement for LCW/LCWRA upon migration.

    So it is correct you are now having to supply Fit Notes and go through the WCA process.

  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Thank you @Kimmy87, I hadn't realised the whole child element had been missed, that would explain a few of the issues.

    I hope you hear back from them soon and they are able to correct this for you @lizzie152.

  • lizzie152
    lizzie152 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    Hi guys.

    Sorry only just seen these replys

    Basically I get industrial injuries disablement benefot and the agent that helped me migrate over to universal credit didn't add that onto my claim. Which left my transitional protection element short of £489 .

    The housing element was short and child element was also low. I'm all new to this so have had to go through CAB for help too.

    A lovely lady from dwp payments has left a message on my journal and said its now been sent back to transtional protection to be ammended . Is this right?

    But that was on the 19th January and I have heard anything back yet. Will it be ammended on my 2nd statement ..or will I have to appeal this.

    II'm worse off by £489 a month .

    I've copied all the messages.

    Many thanks for reading & replying