Hi to all

amazingblazing628 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Connected

I am having a Pelvic Exam on the 14th of March as I am getting servre pelvic pain for ages not looking forward to it but its necessary to have done.

I am Still waiting for My Ct Scan Results aswell.



  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 894 Pioneering

    Good luck with your examination.

    I hope all goes well for you.

  • figraspberry41
    figraspberry41 Scope Member Posts: 69 Empowering

    Hi Amazingblazing628,

    May I ask what type of pelvic examination are you waiting for? Do you experience back pain as well?

    Waiting for any kind of investigative results is frustrating as even two weeks can seem like an eternity! I know from personal experience.

    Just wondered about the back pain as I suffer with chronic back pain that has become acute over about the past four months or so and now affects my groin. Of course, what I experience will not necessarily be the same symptoms as yourself but sometimes sharing experiences can make it easier to cope with somehow. I am aware that I have 'lipping' (the vertebrae is tilting over the vertebrae below, causing the bones to push the 'frame' forward more) of some of my lumber vertebrae which might be the cause and also have osteoporosis that will be a contributing factor probably.

    Hope your pelvic examination goes well and that you get the CT results soonest. Take care and Good luck.