World Thinking Day - Were you involved in Guides or Scouts?

Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator
edited February 22 in Everyday life

Saturday 22 February is World Thinking Day for Girl Guides across the world:

World Thinking Day | Girlguiding

On each Thinking Day, Girl Guides around the world get together to share experiences, think of others and celebrate some of the good work they've done over the year.

I'm not involved at the moment, but I was a Brownie, a Guide and then after a bit of a break a Ranger and Young Leader in a brownie pack. The group I was involved in worked really hard to make sure things were accessible for me and helped me gain some much needed confidence after having a rough time with my health.

I will always be grateful to the girls that pushed me and my dodgy NHS wheelchair round a bumpy field so I could join in with a camp for the first time. And I still remember my Brownie promise despite all the other gunk I've deposited into my brain since 😁

Was anyone else a Guide or a Scout? What were your experiences of it?


  • Hopeless
    Hopeless Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 364 Empowering

    I was a gnome in the Brownies and a forget-me-not in the Guides before becoming a young leader. I loved guide camp - that 1 week was the best week of the year. I still remember my laws, promises and all the songs too

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,448 Championing
    edited February 22

    I loved being a Brownie and always tried to help around the house. I loved earning my badges. My sister one year older became a Girl Guide and made clear I was not welcome to join her and her sensible friends so I left her to it.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,448 Championing
    edited February 22

    Our Brownie pack - sweet and innocent young things - was taken to see the Cerne Abbas Giant , a 55 metre tall naked figure carved into the chalk hillside sporting a rather large β€œtool” (the club in his hand that is).
