Paper based assessment pip

deb1929 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

Hoping someone can advise please after some confusion at the start of my claim for my son DWP have now confirmed they have my sons assessment and it’s now awaiting a decision of them, he’s had a paper based assessment he attends a Sen provision school evidence I sent it was echp which proves his needs socially etc and a report where he can assessed and it proved learning difficulties, I’m worried with it been a paper based they’ve just refused without even seeing him or doing a full assessment has anyone else’s child has a paper based thanks


  • Morgan_Scope
    Morgan_Scope Posts: 782 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Good morning @deb1929

    Paper-based assessments are usually done if they feel there is enough of information to write a report without needing an assessment. If they were not sure an award could be offered, they would usually do a phone or face-to-face assessment to gather more information.

    Will you be requesting a copy of the report from the DWP or waiting to hear the outcome first?