Change in circumstances

Sazzao1974 Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected

hi I was awarded pip in March last year standered care and high mobility after a fractured skull and brain injury , I have no sense of smell or taste and mild to moderate hearing loss in left ear and mild in right I had no prove of there’s conditions at the time which the decision maker said in my report as been under ent for a year having investigations and appointments where like every 3 months , I have now been discharge from ent with Anosmia and referred to audiology and received a hearing aid last week . Do I tell pip ? I’m scared if I do I will have to do another form and assessement and my award goes down , should I just keep what I have. It does say you have to tell them about a change . Would I get in trouble if I don’t ? Thank you


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,872 Championing

    I'm a aware of what they say in terms of reporting changes. But on a practical level unless you feel your award is too high, or too low, and are absolutely sure the report should result in payment changes, then there is no point in letting them know.

    It could mistakenly trigger a reassessment which is the last thing you want to happen, especially if you feel the award is already correct.