Never leaves you

Catherine21 Posts: 3,856 Championing

Tried to be grounded kept myself invisible to people outside world and really worked on controlling emotions I get rages I understand now from feeling overwhelmed but the rages are intense yesterday I lost it couldn't control myself the panels of my next door neighbours fence has come down so leave my garden vunerable to street and worry dogs get out I had my daughters dog for weekend and she nearly got out onto street even though I stand in garden with my dogs I've had issues with my neighbour over years he extremely nosey talks people business exc I asked kindly when fence be fixed he said not anytime soon I lost it completely The rage like fire through my body said alot of things obviously neighbours heard phoned uo my dad to talk he didn't agree with me so lost it again he's not well I shouldn't have done that the guilt is horrific the shame my dad wouldn't accept my apology but I phoned up again and he did I'm drained from myself it's like when I was drinking I'd wake next day checking phone to see what I said the dread and shame this is why I have to isolate I'm calm at home I feel terrible takes seconds to ruin things s
