Can some one advise, ESA New Style

chrissyalpe88 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

hey can some one advise!
I’m awaiting my assessment money back dated to when I applied 10th Jan. I believe it normally should start 21 days after this. It’s now becoming quite worrying with money and I still haven’t received any money would this payment likely to be made manually made at any point or will it go in on a Mon which is my national insurance benefit day (so I’ve read)

I’ve noticed there’s a payroll number on my gov online log in from esa but no money. I’ve rang and they said it’s been accepted and I’ve made enough ni contributions but seems a long whole to wait Ty chrissy



  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing
    edited February 24

    Is this for New Style ESA?

    You could call then again and ask specifically when you will be paid.

  • chrissyalpe88
    chrissyalpe88 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    I will trouble is it takes over a hour to get through! Unless anyone’s found a magical time they answer quicker! Haha

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing

    Sometimes you can get through quicker calling just after they open in the morning.

  • chrissyalpe88
    chrissyalpe88 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    Ok update! I’ve rang and they said my national insurance not up to date! So I’ve sorted that with Hmrc it will take 72 hours but I made the payment 13 days after the 31st Jan! Obv because I’m not earning!! So I’ve read I may now need to wait 6 weeks!!! My question is will my claim now start again meaning I lose all the weeks I’ve been waiting for assessment pay. This sucks!!! It doesn’t seem right to wait another 6 weeks 😢