Pip for Crohns Disease, any advice?

Kerry2024 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Listener
edited February 26 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Hi all

Hope everyone is well.

I've recently been advised to apply for pip due to Crohn's disease.

I have just looked online and done a practice assessment.

For every question I scored 0 apart from incontinence where I scored 2!

This is frustrating as it's the incontinence which is causing the biggest issues for me especially with work (not been in work since September 2024) and now receiving lcwra.

Is it even worth procedding with the pip claim?

Many thanks 👍



  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Kerry2024, As it's all based on how your conditions affect you day to day, PIP can be quite a personal thing to apply for. It's difficult for anyone to say whether you will qualify or not, but I found some guidance on the Crohns and Colitis UK website that you might find useful to read:

    Claiming Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

    I hope some of our members might be able to offer their experiences too. It can be a stressful process sometimes, but well worth pursuing if you feel you'd benefit from the extra income 😊

  • Kerry2024
    Kerry2024 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Listener

    Thanks very much Rosie 😊

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 370 Empowering

    Hi @Kerry2024 I don't know if this really helps (I don't have Crohns but was still under investigation for it when I applied for PIP). The link above plus Benefits and Work website will help hopefully. I have Long Covid but it affected my bowels mostly, then mobility, lungs and brain and eyes. I was declined for PIP after assessment in Dec 22, applied for mandatory reconsideration and went to Tribunal, all in all 18 months. Was awarded standard for daily living I didn't appeal re mobility but that is much worse now but award was for 5 yrs to Aug 27. I initially got no help re incontinence and kept pursuing GP including a second opinion referral to a consultant at another hospital so had quite a lot of tests. Sadly doesn't look like there's a fix for the 3 bowel diagnoses I have but I did insist on referral to the Bowel and Bladder Nurse specialists and after 2 years waiting was at last prescribed pads i am mostly housebound because of it all and on my own. I lost my job 18 mths ago because of health. I can't remember sorry what points I was awarded but I have problems with eating and drinking but firstly, because of preparation and 2 because of bowel issues. I have had 36 good days since 17.11.2020 when I was very ill with Covid for 5 weeks. I was off sick 22 times but was ill on all my days off and holiday but most of that I used against sickness time to avoid getting sacked which I did in the end anyway. Think too of how medications affect you, if they do. I'm on 12 but cannot taie any as they're all contra indicated because of the problems I have with bowels. Ive had aroubd 20 plus lots of antibiotics in last 2 years I've been very unwell this last week after taking some medication I was instructed not to take but could not have got to health appt/blood tests if I hadn't and paying the price now. So sorry for very long post. Think of the minutia of your day/how your daily living is different to when you were well/more able. I've had to wash at sink since 24th March last year as fell in shower so not risking it now. I've just recovered from double pneumonia but lost 30% of kidney function, I'll know next week if it's permanent but that's looking likely. And I won't even start on about my mental health but that wasn't as bad when i applied for pip. Maybe also look at your UC50 form for LCWRA . 🙄🥲. Best wishes to you. Sorry to drone on !