Care funding - being charged

Sunflower15 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener


I’m feeling incredibly anxious and alone. I found out last week my council will start invoicing me £112 pw from 24 Feb towards my care. I get direct payments.

I can’t afford it and it means I have to also stop my therapies that are holistic and not nhs that are my only way of coping with my various conditions.

I can’t underestimate how severely this news has impacted me. And how stressful the whole experience (spanning a couple of months) has been. I have written to my gp to back me up but not heard if she will yet.

I have spiralled into despair and severe anxiety.

Because also alongside this I lost my Mum 5 months ago and it’s been one thing after another of stress and I’ve not been able to grieve in peace and also now I can’t afford my bereavement counselling.

In addition I have housing issues.

I just feel like I can’t cope and all my support or hope has gone. Though I do obviously still have carers but that’s just part of the support I need.

It all feels too much.


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing
    edited February 25

    I see from previous comments that you are already in touch with CAB.

    The Samaritans are available all day every day, there is always someone who will answer the phone and listen.

    It would also be worth letting your GP know how much you are struggling at the moment.

    In addition your surgery might have a social prescriber who can help.

  • Sunflower15
    Sunflower15 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Thanks. I do use Samaritans but good reminder. CAB to call me tomorrow. Will try to get through to GP surgery, good idea about social prescribing.

    I wonder if anyone has successfully appealed a decision by their council regarding care funding assessment?

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Sunflower15, I'm so sorry for the loss of your mum and all that's been going on since. That sounds so stressful and it's totally understandable that you're finding things hard. We're going to send you an email today so please look out for that.

    I hope some of our members might have experiences to share about appealing the funding assessments. It's good that you're in touch with CAB, fingers crossed they have some advice for you.

    Scope have a helpline if you feel like you want to talk through your options with someone:

    Helpline | Disability charity Scope UK

    You might also like to see if an advocate is available to help with your case:

    Advocates for social care assessments and appeals | Disability charity Scope UK

    I hope things start getting easier for you soon 💜