The Great Scope Scone Debate.

Albus_Scope Posts: 8,814 Scope Online Community Coordinator
edited February 28 in Coffee lounge

This conversation can often get quite heated, but we here at Scope like to ask the important questions.

Scones are so very British and they always make me think of balmy summer afternoons by the cricket pitch, sipping on a Pimms with my chums from the rowing club. I've of course never done this, but it's still a nice mental image to have while I'm stuffing a scone into my face, all alone in my kitchen.

Just like asking a brit who their favorite Spice Girl is, everyone has the correct answer to this very important question. But who is really right?

So, here goes… When you eat a scone, should the jam go on first, or should it be the clotted cream? Butter is of course optional, but encouraged.

The Great Scope Scone Debate. 12 votes

Jam first you monster. (The Cornwall Way)
OverlyAnxiousAlbus_ScopeRosie_ScopeluvpinkBluebell21HopelessHolly_ScopeHolly54321 8 votes
Cream first, obviously. (The Devon Way)
Charlie_ScopeSandy_123JessieJIronside1990 4 votes


  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 867 Trailblazing
    Cream first, obviously. (The Devon Way)

    When I ate them & because I'm awkward, the Devon way without butter, the Cornish way with. ☺️

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,677 Championing
    Jam first you monster. (The Cornwall Way)

    Jam first for me. (Cornwall Way)

  • KG100
    KG100 Online Community Member Posts: 258 Empowering

    Butter, cream then jam although I prefer the cheese scones best !!

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Jam first you monster. (The Cornwall Way)

    Jam first, always. Wouldn't have it any other way!

  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 757 Trailblazing

    This thread is amusing me and bringing back some daft memories. I haven't voted because there isn't a right or wrong way! Nigella puts black treacle on hers. I think Nigella is beyond glamorous so I won't disagree with her even though I don't like treacle! I just long to be one of Nigella's cool and groovy friends!

    What is making me laugh is a long forgotten memory about scones. About 2 million years ago when I was 17, my partner took me and my dog to The Cottage Hotel in Hope Cove in Devon. I was a typical London working class lad (think Clapham Junction) and all of a sudden I was propelled into middle class society. The hotel served an afternoon cream tea. I had no idea what a cream tea was, but I was looking forward to it as it was a bit of an adventure to me. Anyway, one day after lunch my partner was tired and said he was going to have a kip. I said I will take my dog for a walk and meet you in a couple of hours for the famous cream tea. So I took my dog for a walk along the cliffs to the next little place which I think is called Thurlestone. At about the half way point I sat down and looked out to sea and unfortunately I rolled a spliff and got absolutely blocked! I cannot be arrested for this because I have never touched a drug since I was 22. Anyway, by the time I got back to the hotel I was out of it. As the song says, the music was going round and round. I thought the cream tea was a total waste of time and got the extreme giggles and was asked to leave the dining room! I had totally forgotten this mishap until I read the thread. But anyway, I am now extremely respectable - I think.

    I have attached a file "scones.pdf". I save all the recipes that I like in my own little cookery book that no-one sees except me. But I thought I would upload the recipe because it really does make the best scones you will ever taste.

  • williamsmith
    williamsmith Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,814 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Jam first you monster. (The Cornwall Way)

    Ah brilliant, thanks for sharing @Steve_in_The_City I do love a good recipe. 😁

    Loving the story too, oh the folly of youth!

  • Veevi
    Veevi Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    I need a third option for "I eat them plain"

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 282 Empowering
    Cream first, obviously. (The Devon Way)

    cream first and then jam.

    I live in the north east of England as well, so i pronounce it to rhyme with "gone", not "own".

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,814 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Jam first you monster. (The Cornwall Way)

    Apparently that's the correct way to pronounce it @Ironside1990

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 894 Pioneering
    Jam first you monster. (The Cornwall Way)

    Jam first.