Anyone else feel like their privacy is being invaded by these bank reviews?

Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering
edited February 25 in Universal Credit (UC)

So I'm undergoing a review at the moment, already had a phone call, sent them pictures of my driving license, and pdf's of 4 months worth of bank statements.

So obviously they've now been looking at my ingoings and outgoings on my bank statements. And they're going to phone me again, and I feel like I will have to explain certain large amounts of money that have gone into my bank account and which I've also withdrawn or spent on several occasions. I've not done anything wrong, but a lot of these large sums of money are to do with something that's personal and I would feel embarrassed having to explain what I've been buying and why to a stranger.

Not only does my privacy and personal life feel like they're being invaded, but I also feel like I'm under the DWP's control. Why can't they just leave us alone? As if a future reassessment and the things Labour are wanting to do aren't enough to worry about there's now this as well.


  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected

    I completely agree Ross1975, it just feels like your under the DWPs control. As long as you're not breaking the law or doing something you shouldn't be doing, why do you have to give an explanation to what you're spending on?

    Sometimes I feel UC was created to make people so frustrated and upset that they just give up and leave.

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering

    I feel like the large sums of money that have gone in and out on several occasions (£100 to several hundred) will look suspicious, and so that's why it feels like they're going to question me about it. If they ask I will just tell them it's personal and I'd rather not say, and that I've not done anything wrong, and hopefully they will leave it at that, otherwise I wont have much of a choice but to explain what those ingoings and outgoings are about.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 275 Empowering

    I can also withdraw large amounts of cash and it would be upsetting to have to tell them what it spent on coz it’s to do with one of my MH conditions .

  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 529 Pioneering

    Totally agree these reviews are a ridiculous invasion of privacy.

    They need to invest their resources into making sure the claim entitlement is properly assessed at the outset and after that let things be.

    Fair enough to prompt you to report your balances regularly. But to ask for statements is a step too far unless they have reason to suspect fraud.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 275 Empowering
    edited February 25

    True !

    if they suspect fraud they’ve always had the ability to check our accounts without even asking for statements and probably without us knowing anything about it .

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected

    I agree, I find the need to submit bank statements invasive. I also don't really understand why you have to explain what you're spending on. As long as you're not buying anything illegal I don't see why it's any of their business.

    They've been given way too much power over people's lives.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,538 Championing

    I found my review really intrusive and hated being questioned on my spending, I mean asking about a £12 monthly payment which is for my window cleaner??

  • yellowpineapple84
    yellowpineapple84 Scope Member Posts: 6 Connected

    Hi Ross, I really feel for you and really relate to what you’ve shared. I also feel really anxious about any interaction I have with DWP. I feel they look for ways to trap us into saying something that they can then use to take away our support. I feel really worried myself about the words DWP people have been coming out with recently. I really hope they will treat your review fairly and you can continue to receive the support you deserve :)

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 867 Trailblazing

    I'm waiting for the call after sending mine in, I have nothing to hide, but find it disgusting that anyone should be able to ask for full bank statements. Makes you feel like a criminal.

    And reading what you've experienced, @Kimmy87, petty! What's next, we have to save & send in receipts too!! 😡

  • egister
    egister Posts: 700 Empowering

    I think it would be fair for the DWP to report separately on every pound spent.

  • colachicken
    colachicken Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    yes i agree, it is invasive. and its sneaky of the DWP to claim its to check people are getting the right amount, which is fine, sure that can be done at their end, but its not its to see how people on UC are spending the money.

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,036 Championing

    or not spending it in a lot of cases the benefits system is a lifeline for those in need of it not for those who abuse it

  • colachicken
    colachicken Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    oh definitely! and those in need of it are the ones being punished

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 282 Empowering

    I've never had to send any statements in. If i was asked, i wouldn't be happy. I've nothing to hide, but at the same time i'm a very private person,so i'd find it very invasive.

    There's also an element of paranoia as well that if you spend a penny on any of your hobbies, the DWP will question why.

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering
    edited March 2

    I had the second phone call yesterday, she did ask about some of the massive deposits were in the the bank. I just told her the truth which was that the big deposits were so I could buy some expensive things from China, and the shipping was several hundred as well, and I wanted to make sure I had enough money left over in the bank to be able to pay for new tyres and to be able to pay the bills. Which I felt fine with explaining.

    Luckily she didn't ask what I was actually buying, which is what I was actually worried about, as even though I've not done anything wrong I just wouldn't have felt comfortable telling her and it would've just felt too invasive.

    They genuinely don't care about what you buy, they just don't want you saving up more than £6000 without declaring it, and they don't want you earning money without declaring it either.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 275 Empowering

    glad it went ok - I’m dreading having mine !

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected

    Glad it well @Ross1975. Hopefully that will be the end of it now.

    Just hate the whole process of them being allowed to go through your finances.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,856 Championing

    Oh OK wrote a message before reading this oh that's good thanks for sharing