Benefits and Mental Health: A Complex Area?

simo_818 Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected

Following Angiegil53's post about her son's migration letter, I was wondering if anyone has experience with how mental health conditions impact benefit assessments? It seems like a complex area, and I'm interested to learn more.


  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,093 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    edited February 26

    Hi @simo_818 this is a really important question. I've not been through this process myself but I do have personal experience with how difficult communicating and navigating can be when you're struggling with mental health. Everybody will have their ways of managing this. Personally for me, taking the time to prepare myself mentally ahead of meetings etc helps a huge amount. As well as a safe environment - e.g. telephone rather than in person if I'm feeling especially anxious.

    Hopefully other members who have been through this will see your post and share their experiences. I've also added a link below for MIND's website which has some information on claiming benefits with mental health which I found quite useful - especially the "dealing with services" part.

    Claiming Benefits | Money and Mental Health | Mind - Mind

    Thanks again for raising this.

    Best wishes,