Uc migration, housing benefit help needed

Hopeless85 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
edited March 4 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hey, I'm really stressing myself out about swapping from esa to uc, mostly because of rent and landlord issues.

I currently have my paid direct to landlord, and I know this is a option. I've heard nothing about this going positively and it's making me sick. Does anyone have any experiences of this that they could share please?

Also I've heard that you get a extra 2 weeks of housing benefit and the gov. Co. UK website say to all landlord to give this money back to yourselves or take off future rent. My landlord is so unapproachable and unreasonable. If this is correct could I just not lower my top up each month till I've recouped the extra 2 week payment. Here are screenshots from the gov website which explains what I'm try to say. Have I understood this correct. Please help me, I'm so stressed.


  • Hopeless85
    Hopeless85 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    Can anyone advise me on this please?

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,006 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey @Hopeless85 sorry this is stressing you out so much.

    Unfortunately the extra 2 weeks of housing benefit is to tide you over until the first UC payment is received, it's basically a bit of a safety net. So you wouldn't be able to have the funds in any other way.

  • Hopeless85
    Hopeless85 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    I'm not wanting the extra 2 weeks funds. What I'm asking is, is the same period also then covered by uc when it's backdated? So is my landlord technically up 2 weeks extra rent? As if you read this screenshots that is what it implies.

    If my hb is paid for 2 weeks after the date I apply for uc, and uc (including it's housing element) is back dated to the date I apply for uc, then there's 2 weeks that housing is paid for both by hb and uc, it's that correct?

    So if I apply on the 1st, and hb is paid till the 14th, and uc is dated to the 1st,that means the period of 1st-14th ffs paid for twice, right?

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,792 Championing


    I understand the question but this is something specific to your landlord so not something we can really advise on. As you say, it is up to your landlord to decide how to use the 2 week run on money. I definitely wouldn't just reduce the top up payments personally, as that is likely to cause more problems unless you agree that with your landlord in advance.