New wheelchair

Worriedmum3367 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
edited March 21 in Cerebral Palsy Network


My son has his new wheelchair and it’s a quickie Qs5x and it’s excellent, however the footrest board is not quite right at the moment. He has CP with spasticity and dystonia and has pronation of his feet. His previous wheelchair footrest boards have been angled back slightly by his physiotherapist when he was at school to support his feet and muscle tone. At the new wheelchair appointment with the wheelchair therapist and rehabilitation engineer. My son and I asked if my footrest could be angled in some way like the others and they were reluctant to do this. I took my son out for some shopping and lunch and he was in tears that his feet were slipping off the footrest with it not being angled. So we rang them back and the referral for the engineer to come out and adjust would be over a month. The only suggestion they had was to tie my sons feet in. Which is not the answer when he’s doing so well without straps in the last 10 years.

Hoping for some advice please

Kind regards

Worried mum



  • egister
    egister Posts: 860 Empowering

    It's easier to do it yourself with your own hands and tools.
    A person with auto mechanic skills, for example, will definitely help.

  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,735 Cerebral Palsy Network
    edited March 10

    Hi @Worriedmum3367

    Unfortunately, a lot of wheelchair manufacturers/suppliers do not understand the nuances of cerebral palsy and how slight changes to our equipment can have a huge knock-on effect for us. I'm not sure whether they would be able to help you in a quicker timescale, but you could try Remap

  • Worriedmum3367
    Worriedmum3367 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    @Richard_Scope @egister Hi both! Thanks so much for your advice and your empathy of my son’s perspective. I thought even the Wheelchair therapist would have known a bit more about how can the wheelchair footrest can support my sons feet with him having CP. i think they didn’t know how quick to get us out of the door. It shouldn’t be like this at all and my son works full time.
    Kind regards

    Worried Mum