Should I be worried?

tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener
edited March 12 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Hello I just seen on the news today the 8th of march 2025 that the government is planning to stop people pip and lcwra people have been saying on tiktok but I not seen this in the news so far but I just been approved for pip on last Monday the 2on of march 2025 and only been on lcwra from January 2025 I'm unfit to work I been told thos by a number of people including the doctor the hospital and physiotherapist as I can't walk to good and have mental health issues along with other problems I don't understand it fully someone saying they got to vote for this in the government meeting and alot of people as disagreed with the decision so far but what will happen is the vote is yes? I'm guessing I'm not the only person that is worried about this matter

I understand that we need to save money but we giving billions over for a war that as nothing to do with us and I understand people from there need to be safe but they are getting the homes and other things free I'm not saying they don't need the help please understand this but why take money away from people that need the help like on pip or the cold weather payment for the older people if we need to save money they need to stop putting it on the war where people are losing lifes there need to try end the war


  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,292 Trailblazing

    There will be an official government announcement on 26th March.

    Until then, no one knows for certain what will happen let alone random people on social media.

  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener

    Thank you for replying

    If I got it right they having a vote in parliament on the 26th of march so if they vote yes then they stop the pip and lcwra? If they vote no to it then it well continue as normal?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,024 Championing
    edited March 9

    You've got it very wrong.

    They can't fast track the legal process.

    They were able to change the Winter fuel payment criteria so quickly because it was a government perk, not protected by legislation as welfare benefits are.

    On March 26th it's expected that a Green Paper will be released.

    Green Paper: These are our plans, what do you think.

    Consultation and feedback.

    Then they release a White Paper.

    White Paper: These are our proposals

    Then the long legal process, going through both houses of parliament, delayed by any court challenges, amendments proposed by the House of Lords.

    Then they finally become law.

    The whole process takes years, and what eventually becomes law is usually a watered down version of the Green paper.

    Politicians often talk the talk but their words can be picked apart as factually incorrect very easily. What they say sounds good for the media but doesn't bear any scrutiny.

  • tommy25
    tommy25 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Listener

    Thank you for the update @Kimmy87 and I'm sorry if I got it wrong or missed understood I just seen it on the news like everyone else and alot of people are saying it well effort new clients like me this is where my personal worries come from as I do need the help and getting approved was massive help for me as I been dealing with my issues for about 9 years with no help it's only the fact I can't get about with walking no more and can't afford to pay for a someone to drive me about as from everything going way up in price I ask for the help there's alot of things that I can't afford this year compared to last year or the year before that I don't like dependent on others for help but as my mobility as got worse I had no other choice in the matter

  • Vogue
    Vogue Online Community Member Posts: 51 Connected

    So it would not be immediately stopping people's pip & LCWRA is that correct

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,103 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    It's definitely on many of our minds right now. We're having a big discussion about it, which you can read here: Upcoming changes to benefits.

    At the moment, no formal announcements have been made, so no one knows for certain what the changes will be or how they’ll be implemented. However, we're actively campaigning and raising awareness through The Cost of Cuts, and we’d really appreciate your support and signature.

    We understand this is a difficult topic, and many people are finding it challenging. To keep the community a safe space, we're encouraging all discussions on benefit changes to stay in one place. For that reason, we’ll be closing this discussion, but we’d love for you to join the main discussion thread here: Upcoming changes to benefits.

This discussion has been closed.