klodzia0 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited March 11 in Universal Credit (UC)

From January 2022 to the end of May 2023 I was on sick leave and that time I got pregnant. Since June 2023 I started maternity leave from work and then  I switched to maternity leave allowance but with delay and when I finished maternity leave from work I started recived ESA and when I got money from maternity allowance with back days I had to repay ESA and since June 2023 I have been on UC and since June 2024 I’m unemployed. A few days ago I found information about LCWRA and I would like to apply for it because my health still does not allow me to return to work. What process have I to do? 

English is not mine main language so I’m sorry for mistakes. I hope you will understand my case 🙈 I tried to explain as much as I can.

