Grocery Home Delivery When Can't Make it to the Door

TTTB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
edited March 13 in Everyday life

Hello, does anyone know of a grocery delivery service that will leave the groceries in a safe space rather than requiring a signature?

My brother is not able to get to the door, and therefore cannot sign for the delivery.

Thank you for any guidance.



  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    @TTTB Hi, is somebody going to get it from where it's left and bring it in to your brother later? I'm thinking of a 'safe box'/cupboard that's locked, outside. I recall reading that they were popular after Covid days and since, especially because of doorstep deliveries being stolen.

    I have a key safe box outside but haven't given the number to delivery companies to let themselves in but I can get to the door so that's not an issue.

    I don't have to sign for say Tesco delivery or Wiltshire Farm Foods (not using the latter for now though) but they're very good/helpful and they'll come into kitchen with food. I don't know how that'd work if I couldn't get to the door though and would definitely not want to just leave it 'on the latch'/unlocked.

    It might be worth you ringing or emailing the companies your brother would use.

    So sorry I can't give you an exact answer, just some ideas of what's floating in my mind.

    PS I have a side gate that leads to the back and some companies like Amazon/DPD will put deliveries over that but I've not tried that with grocery deliveries.

  • TTTB
    TTTB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi @Santosha12 and thank you. Being able to get the shopping left in a safe box would be perfect.

    Unfortunately, I wasn’t clear in my message. The online delivery services from the big retailers don’t actually need a signature. But they do need the door to be opened for them, which is what my brother can’t do.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    @TTTB Yes I thought that re having to open the door, I don't know for sure grocery delivery people would be allowed to put it in a safe store outside, I do hope so. I think they only ask for signature or ID if buying alcohol. I might have an email address for a specialist adviser at Tescos, if you'd like me to put that here so you could ask I'm happy to. She works for the head office/CEO as I moaned recently 🙄😅 as they didn't bring shopping in bags which I'd needed.

  • TTTB
    TTTB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    @Santosha12 , Thank you. A contact at Tesco would be amazing. I spoke to lady in their call centre who was really lovely, but unfortunately couldn't offer any help.

  • brokenlady
    brokenlady Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener


    I know that the Amazon drivers around my area are a bit happier to leave groceries wherever the customer is ok with.
    If there is a safe place they can leave it?

    The only thing with groceries on Amazon is that they seem to up the prices on certain things and don’t usually have the full range listed.

    Or would it be possible for your brother to use a 2 way audible doorbell to perhaps give the verbal consent to the bigger retailers for them to leave in the safe place?

  • TTTB
    TTTB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi @brokenlady . Fantastic ideas. Thank you so much!!!!

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Hi @TTTB I really do hope they can help. I've put the email address below. Tbh, even though they did try to help me, no amount of persuading would get them to make an exception and bring it in bags; she did try to offer different solutions, none ideal but I have worked around it.

    I'd never really had to ask for help before and I do think it's sad that despite having good intentions, it does seem, to me, almost impossible for anyone to do anything flexibly/outside of the norm. Maybe I just expect too much, it's not though like I'm asking them to cook it for me 🤣

    Good luck with your request to get help.

    BTW, I did ask Age UK last year for ideas, they sent me an email of local people who provided a variety of different services. I struggle financially so did not make enquiries but I had thought of getting someone say twice a month to get shopping and put it away for me, like a carer but not personal care. Could be worth asking your brother's local AGE UK for ideas if Tesco aren't able to help (I'm younger than pension age, 61, and they were still hugely helpful.

  • TTTB
    TTTB Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    @Santosha12 . Thanks for the email address. Fingers crossed!

    I also spoke to Age UK and had a similar conversation.