Confusing and frustrating!

gussiefinknottle1 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited March 15 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hello, I have been receiving ESA for some considerable years, I have MS and a number of other conditions. I am in the LCWRA group. I was also receiving housing benefit. This has now ended, and I was forced to claim the housing element of universal credit. I am finding everything rather confusing. I was told on the telephone a week ago that I would be continuing to receive my contribution based ESA however this morning I have received a letter saying my ESA will change to new style ESA from 26th Feb 2025 and that I will be contacted by the DWP to book an appointment that I must attend with a work coach at the local job although this may take place over the telephone. This has come completely out of the blue. I have not received any forms or any other letters regarding this? also, why is this appointment with a work coach? If it is an assessment it should be with someone who has some medical knowledge to assess my health! The letter also explains that the appointment will be to ask me to explain how my illness or disability affects my ability to work. this sentence suggests this is an assessment.

I am virtually housebound and only actually get anywhere using community transport services, availability of these are not guaranteed, and they are not always suitable for appointments due to issues regarding timing. There have also been issues with the actual destination location as there is often nowhere to drop passengers near to their destination address. (For example a job centre in a pedestrianised High Street like my local High Street and job centre) if I had been sent a form to fill-in I could’ve explained all of this.

I am absolutely furious. I feel I have been forced onto universal credit without my knowledge, and that my application for the housing element of universal credit closed the door on ESA.

What about fit notes? I’ve never had a fit note. I used to get sick certificates from my GP when I first went on incapacity benefit but that was years ago. I have not got a consultant because he discharged me into the care of an MS specialist nurse but she retired less than six months later. Unfortunately, I have had no contact with her replacement. I have no letters that are available that are less than 10 years old from any specialists, even these are missing. My GP is a joke and doesn’t know how I function on a daily basis although they’re very good at ordering up tests and making referrals when necessary.

I am in despair! My partner has a cancer that may be incurable (chemotherapy won’t cure it and can only suppress it) and he is undergoing chemotherapy and he’s about to finish his 11th round and there is no possibility that it will stop in the near future, he started the chemo in May last year, He also is quite possibly on the autistic spectrum and cannot help me with any benefit claims.

i’m hoping someone here can give me some guidance.

