Received UC Migration Notice

Hello everyone and good morning.
I have, yesterday, received my UC migration notice and although I have been expecting it, it has still knocked me sideways as my mental health isn't the best and I would really appreciate some advice regarding when I should submit my claim.
Currently, I am in receipt of IR ESA Support Group with added Severe Dissability Premium and also Housing Benefit. I know that my PIP is unaffected.
I have to claim by the 13th of June and after looking at my next ESA and Housing Benefit payment dates I have two dates in mind for submitting my claim.
The first is the 14th of May and the second is the 11th of June. Both of these dates are the day after a fortnightly ESA payment and a monthly Housing Benefit payment.
I would, obviously, prefer the second option of the 11th of June as it would allow me to have another month's money put aside to see me through to my first UC payment without needing to get an advance however, it is so very close, just two days until my deadline to submit my claim on the 13th of June. Would this cause me any issues or problems at all? Is it acceptable to leave it so late?
Any advice would be very much appreciated as I'm desperate to get this migration right and to avoid any issues, hassles or problems that could arise.
Thank you.
Hi I'm in same boat , on IR eas support group , & I have to apply to UC migration notice by 29th May , I check out payment & it says UC is £390 a month but I received £318.10 a fortnight , but work it out 2x £318.10 total £636.20 a fortnight , I was told I should get same as I'm getting on IR Esa but working a monthly payment I'd be losing out on half of what I'm getting now , it's unfair to end up with a long term illness & be penalized for a illness that out of you control , if I get half of what I'm getting now , I won't be able to afford , my day to day living expenses , appointments to hospital , doctor's , I have to rely on my daughters to take me places as I can't do on own with been house bound , I'm 61 this yr , & I've fought for yrs to get my benefit , my illness is far worse now when I was fighting tribunal again & go through assessments yet again , I don't think I have the energy now this scares me as my mobility is far less than it was to cope with the fight & to get my daughters to help yet again when they do enough already for me
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@kts64 I've previously advised you that if your UC award is lower than legacy benefits, Transitional Protection will be added to your claim to ensure at the time of transfer you aren't worse off.
£390 is the standard allowance.
You will also be entitled to LCWRA element (the UC equivalent of ESA Support Group) which currently pays £416.19.
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I understand but also been told that Transitional Protection isn't premenant that is will gradually be cut down but by bit & it's not a premenant payment , I just don't want to lose out as my payment goes on my day to day living expenses whether is on travel to hospital , equipment or stuff I use & payout for on a day to day basis as I just manage to payout on what I'm getting at moment before I migrate over to UC from IR Esa Support group
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Now that you've given a figure, you won't be entitled to Transitional Protection under UC, because you will be better off under UC.
All figures below are for 2024/2025
Your ESA amount for a month is £689.21 (to convert a weekly benefit into a monthly amount you multiply by 52 then divide by 12).
Under UC your entitlement will be £809.64 (Standard Allowance & LCWRA), plus any Housing Element if applicable.
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@kiny333 You can start the application in advance. Once you create an account and start filling in the form, you have 28 days to submit it. You can save at various points and return to it later to fill more in.
If you wanted to leave submitting until the later date, you can have the form completed ready and waiting to submit on that date.