Work capabilty assesment uc

malac Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited 10:55AM in Universal Credit (UC)


I recevied a letter with a telephone assesment then 2 days later got another letter basically saying an asssesment was no longer needed as they recieved more information, so i called the assesment company and they clarified that they recieved more info from doctors this is the reason and not to worry the report has been sent to a descion maker and will get a letter with outcome on journal, my worry is that would i be succesful without an assesment as on my uc50 form i put it varies on some questions and now i wont be able to explain in more detail the impact my ill health has on me, also its been just over 2 weeks now and stil waiting 😭 im so worried.


  • Holly54321
    Holly54321 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Connected


    I think it took just over a week for me to hear back after my assessment and was awarded LCWRA. It sounds positive news for you if they say an assessment is not needed as they have enough information to go on. Maybe write a message in your journal asking if they have made a decision as your anxiety is through the roof making you feel worse etc. I did and 2 days letter they notified me of outcome but not sure if that meant anything at the time. The wait is always awful but it was better than PIP😑

  • malac
    malac Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    Hi holly,

    Thankyou for your reply i put a note on my journal and even expressed i was back at doctors on thursday as im really struggling with my health and stil not heard anything ect, and they replied back saying i should be hearing very soon but im just so worried as i dont think ill be awarded it as i havnt explained to them in more detail regarding my health.

  • malac
    malac Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener


    I would also like to ask i resigned from my job whilst on sick due to ill health would this have a negative outcome on my wca or would it cause any issues xx
