New style ESA support group

sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

I've listened to the government and don't understand what she has said

Is new style ESA support group being abolished?

I've heard her say contribution based JSA and ESA are going to be time that new style ESA?



  • kitsmum
    kitsmum Online Community Member Posts: 84 Empowering

    I hope its not contribution based ESA because that is my lifeline, I am in the support group. I know that income based ESA is being stopped and migrated to Universal credit. Its all so scary and causing me huge amounts of stress. The PIP criteria being tightened is as well since I have energy limiting neurological conditions, physical and mental conditions and it has already proved nearly impossible to get PIP. I was awarded lower daily living only but should be entitled to more. Going to any assessment puts me in bed for a week. I am sitting here in tears because I feel so vulnerable.

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    I'm not sure if I've heard or understood it correctly. I'm feeling like we are being attacked for working previously and having savings. I can't claim UC and now if I'm understanding things correctly my new style ESA could be being stopped. I could also loose PIP. So then I have no income....I don't understand what's being said. It might be better to make myself go onto UC...

  • Seeking123
    Seeking123 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected

    I'm sick with worry too. Throughout this while time of being on contribution based ESA I've felt penalised for working.

  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor

    So what I'm understanding here that JSA(CB) and ESA(CB) will turn into a new benefit. Both of there where time limited of 6 months. Exception to it was ESA(CB in Support Group) that was ongoing. As WCA is being scrapped will just mean UC(IB) will get the ongoing award only. So being sick with a disability but have money saved your screwed from what I read. That only help long term is given to Universal Credit????

    Gosh may as well spend all my savings if that's the case and get UC… so ni contributions are also stuffed if your not getting it and relying on savings to see you through.... sickening is the word.… penalised for paying into system and tossed off within 6 months if can't work.... they expect you to use your savings if go beyond it.

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    I've just read the green paper...we are assuming what it all means by what we have heard and we could be completely wrong. After reading the green paper I now think the new style ESA support group is staying as it is now and a new unemployment insurance group is being created that gives you more money for a limited time while you look for work to encourage people to work rather than stay in the support group. I can't believe that they would abolish the support group as some people genuinely cannot work but have worked previously. What do you all think

  • bench
    bench Online Community Member Posts: 106 Contributor

    Anyone know what happened to ESA work related activity group ? Income based ,is it join job seeker and time limited ?

  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 907 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi all

    We understand you have a tonne of questions regarding the new green paper announcement, so we've created this discussion for everyone to talk about it.

    we're actively campaigning and raising awareness through The Cost of Cuts, and we’d really appreciate your support and signature.

    We'd prefer to keep the conversations all in one place, so as to protect the mental health of all on the community, so we will be closing this discussion. I hope you understand.

  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor

    She was vague on it but just mentioned the merge but "limited time'. Both Jsa(cb) and Esa(cb) is indeed currently limited time. They exception was Esa(cb support group) that it continued subject to WCA. That being scrapped suggests (ESA Support group) also. She was insisting Pip would determine the health element on UC only. Unless they do decide the same on this but I suspect that this they wanted to kick so it's all mean tested regardless if your sick or not. In essence from my thoughts she was suggesting only income based means tested sick people get it long term.... or your stuffed?

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,496 Championing

    Hi that's what I understood it to mean but we need more clarity.

    Also you will need to get a score of 4 on one daily living component of pip to qualify for lcwra

  • unsure65
    unsure65 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor

    I think All CB ESA will moved to UC and ESA will be a 1 year benefit for people coming out of employment.

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    So what happens to people who don't qualify for UC?

    We have worked all our lives and saved up, we don't get any help? That can't be right, if it is then I will be spending all my savings to qualify for UC and I'm sure a lot more will have to do the same

  • Durus
    Durus Online Community Member Posts: 24 Contributor

    Pretty much, but then if you spend too much of your savings they might accuse you of deprivation of capital when you try and claim UC.

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    I'm writing to my MP to try and get a proper understanding about this

  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor

    Afraid from the green paper just read this about ESA(CB) Support Group and doesn't read very well

    "54. Alongside levelling up the rate, this change would end the indefinite entitlement to contributory ESA for those assessed as having limited capability for work-related activity (for new people claiming). Those unemployed after the time-limited period would be able to claim UC depending on their personal circumstances. We believe this reform would align with the removal of the WCA by offering a route to financial support for those with temporary and short-term health conditions, including for those who may not be entitled to PIP and therefore not entitled to the health element of UC"

    So looks like scrapping WCA in 2028 and also this new limited time cb work insurance starts 2028 replacing jsa(cb) and esa(cb). So to get anything non means tested for sickness you get nothing after the limited time.

    They are scrapping any form of working age sickness benefit.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,496 Championing

    Same here.

    Its grossly unfair and they keep saying it pays to work.

  • Woodcock21
    Woodcock21 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Connected

    Very scary.

    My hubby gets pip living lower, high motability, esa support.

    We do not claim UC.

    What will he get now ?

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    Exactly's absolutely disgusting that people who have worked, saved and paid NI are getting penalised because we can't claim UC. I've email my MP.

    We need to bring this to there attention somehow

  • Girl_No1
    Girl_No1 Online Community Member Posts: 155 Empowering

    I'm in the CB ESA Support Group.

    I worked solidly for 42 years.

    I became ill.

    Had the retirement age not be raised (again and again!) I would be on a state pension rather than CB-ESA (SG).

    They are shafting those who worked in every possible way available to them.

    I use my CB ESA to heat my home as I am here all day, every day. I did not have that expense when I worked as I was out all day.

    If/when they make these cuts, I doubt I'll see my extended retirement age.

    Kendall, of course, will be whooping in delight as that'll be one less burden on 'her' budget.

  • Julia23
    Julia23 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Does anyone know if CB ESA support group is being stopped? Worked all my life, contracted LC possible VI during the first wave and after the vaccines NHS front line in 2020. Had to leave my role, my pension. I claim ESA CB support group & enhanced pip until Dec 2026 …I can’t find a direct answer from her green paper! Utter amateur leaving people not knowing!

  • userinfo1
    userinfo1 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor

    The issue is that's it's vague. Eventually is getting scrapped and anyone new applying will need to go on this now insurance payment as Esa and Jsa merged for CB....

    Some here are suggesting legacy esa will remain until your review....but I suspect nasty wilt simply just kick people off it.... hence her hammering on about regular assessments. Once booted off your stuffed unless your entitled to claim UC. But the WCA full stop is getting scrapped by 2028 so what happens about legacy ESA is anyone guess....

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