Hi, my name is twomacks! I’ve received my migration letter last week,couldn’t face reading it ...

twomacks Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 19 in Universal Credit (UC)

I’ve received my migration letter last week,couldn’t face reading it till now..I’ve been reading advice and various forums…I’m in the esa support group due to long term health issues…I keep reading I have to inform them about this or I won’t get the transition payments once on uc….but I read various explanations of how to do this…leaving note in journals or clicking on a change of circumstances tab which I don’t understand ..I was presuming that in the uc online application there would be a section asking me this…real worried I will do it wrong and lose my transition payments without them be impossible to survive…thanks for any advice take care of yourselves



  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @twomacks and welcome to the forum 😊

    I've not had experience with this myself so unfortunately I can't advise but (and I hope you don't mind) I've made a change to your title and post category to help members find it, who might be able to advise.

    Alternatively, if you're able to and comfortable to, you could call the UC helpline to clarify - 0800 012 1331

    If you do find out an answer, please let us know as it may help others in the future too.

    Best wishes.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,381 Championing
    edited March 19

    When you apply for UC I advise putting a note on your Journal stating you are migrating from ESA Support Group. There is supposed to be some automation now but it's hit and miss.

    ESA will send your details across to UC, this usually takes a few weeks but normally is done in time for your first payment.

    If eligible Transitional Protection is usually calculated in time for your first payment, but not always.

    If either TP or LCWRA element (ESA SG equivalent) is missing on your first statement, you'd inform them via Journal and they would sort it out.

  • floppy63
    floppy63 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected

    hi kimmy when you migrate over to uc from esa support group do you automatically go onto LCWRA..many thanks

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,381 Championing

    Yes ESA SG automatically means getting LCWRA under UC.