Claiming housing benifit and council tax

pwood Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited March 19 in Benefits and income

Hi , my parents are pensioners and claim pension credit , they currently dont pay council tax and rent , however my father recently passed away and the council have contacted her to say the benifits have been cancelled and need to reapply my question is now with my fathers savings going to my mum she will have over £16000 will she still get the benifits she used to ?



  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,417 Championing

    It's very unlikely with that amount of money.

    There might be some entitlement to Pension Credit, but she definitely won't get full help with rent & council tax, partial help is also unlikely.

    You could try putting her details into a benefits calculator.