International Day of Education - Inclusive Education
It's International Day of Education today and in this post we will talk about the importance of inclusive education for disabled children and young people. Inclusive education is crucial for disabled children because it creates confidence, empowerment and boosts their self-esteem. Inclusive education is more than just…
Children's Mental Health Week
It's Children's Mental Health Week this week (3rd - 9th February). What a great way to raise awareness of Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing. Each year the charity Place2Be run and organise this event to raise funds, and encourage people to get involved in spreading awareness of mental health in children and young…
DLA Information for Parents and Carers
This information only applies to England and Wales. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) helps with the extra costs of raising a disabled child. You can claim DLA for each disabled child under 16 who.. • has difficulty with mobility • needs more care than a non-disabled child of the same age Your child does not need a formal…
Room for husband
Hi, in a 3 bedroom, got son at home and daughter with her 7 mnth old baby, im in 3rd room and husband sleeps downstairs ( has done for 2 years) im his carer hes recently been diagnosed with young onset dementia along with alot of other health issues , barely sleeps throught the night which has me up and down, ( went down…
Housing and social worker advise, age 19 leaving nursing home
Hi, My son is 19 and has been in hospital for two years, he was transferred to a nursing home 4 months ago and is ready to leave as his physical health has Improved. He has complex medical needs including autism, heart problems as well as epileptic attacks. His social worker has been useless and hasn't really kept him…
Hi there guys,thankyou for welcoming me ,I'm 50 from Bournemouth, I really need advice ,my father who is a British citizen but is from jamaica when he was young , he divorced late in life , ought a house in Bristol, bit because of his mental health he one day decided to go back to jamaica ,so he sold house in Bristol,…
Hi, my name is lucyf75! Hello my son receives pip and he has come out of education will I loose my..
Hello my son receives pip and he has come out of education will I loose my son disability I get on my universal credit with him coming out of education he is 17
Awarded DLA payment for my child, when will we receive our first payment?
After a long 4 months, I received a text from DWP that my child has been awarded DLA. I researched a lot and I can’t find anything about getting notified by texts from DLA about being awarded and I haven’t received my notification/award letter as yet. It has been a long 4 months, struggling to get by so it was a relief to…
Three year old boy with cerebral palsy running to raise funds for school
Jacob Fallows, a three year old from Devon is running 500m around his school playground in 30 days. Jacob has spastic diaplegia cerebral palsy which affects his legs, but hearing his parents were running to raise money for his local school, he wanted to get involved. Read the full story here Devon News
Three year old boy with cerebral palsy running 500m to raise money for charity
Jacob Fallows, a three year old from Devon is running 500m around his school playground in 30 days. Jacob has spastic diaplegia cerebral palsy which affects his legs, but hearing his parents were running to raise money for his local school, he wanted to get involved. Read the full story here Devon News
Help putting money into a trust
hi everyone here hope your all wrapped up warm as the weather has definitely turned much colder.Now I am getting on in life it’s time to make a will at any age regardless you should have one I have a very young grandson who is just 4 he was a massive surprise as all my other grandchildren are secondary school and older.…
How do I deal with a depressed Wife/Carer ? She's got a history of depression but I've never seen her so bad before… Any advice please
Accessibility Project
I'm currently working on a project for college, looking at accessibility in clothing for disabled individuals and their carers. I'm going to post my proposal and a link to an online survey. It would mean a lot if some of you were able to fill it out to aid my research. I plan on working on this project further than college…
Mixed aged couples ESA
Hi, is there any other couples/member(s) that are still in the mixed aged couples ESA.
Non dependent
Hi everyone I live as a couple and we are in receipt of ESA support group, we both get pip (both get care hubby gets enhanced) and I get carers allowance for my hubby. My son is now working will it effect our claims. Thank you in advance
Hi, my name is theo_uu!
Hi, I'm very new to discussion forums so please excuse my behaviour. My brother is disabled and mostly unable to move. He has a trachea and cannot feed orally, instead using a PEG. I want to learn more about other things he is dealing with but I am no very well renowned on medical terms. I struggle to understand what he is…
Hi, I am Jorj! My wonderful 7-year-old daughter is on the autism spectrum.
My wonderful 7-year-old daughter is on the autism spectrum. Just here to connect and maybe share experiences with others.
International Day of Education - Inclusive Education
It's International Day of Education today and in this post we will talk about the importance of inclusive education for disabled children and young people. Inclusive education is crucial for disabled children because it creates confidence, empowerment and boosts their self-esteem. Inclusive education is more than just…
A heartwarming story from Asda's Stockton store
Man with cerebral palsy steps in to help young boy with cerebral palsy. When an eight-year-old boy with cerebral palsy wasn’t sure if he had enough money to buy a big cuddly toy from our Stockton store, checkouts colleague Paul stepped in to help pay for it. Paul, who has cerebral palsy himself, said: "I told the boy it…
Hi, my name is SPeacock! First time being here need some advice on a situation I'm in.
HI first time being here need some advice on a situation I'm in. Start from beginning. My husband started his own business after getting some inheritance money from his grandma. Majority of the money went into the business and spent on the kids school uniform etc etc. Went under X amount of savings so applied for universal…
Hi, my name is liludallas! My son is 18 autistic. He rarely leaves the house.
I know it's been a few years since you wrote about your son. I have the same situation. My son is 18 autistic. He's very smart but can not show it on work so college seems a long shot. He tells me all the time he's leaving( nobody has told him to leave) but he never does. I don't know maybe he will one day but my thoughts…
Hi, my name is jessica What do I do if my autistic son refuses to leave the house all of a sudden
What do I do if my autistic son refuses to leave the house all of a sudden
Reporting UC saving changes
I’m my sons appointee for both PIP and UC when I applied for uc for him I put his bank details in but when we went for id check the lady charged them to mine as she wasn’t happy and put reason for using my bank account as I was appointee. So. I now just transfer his payments to his bank account. I need to report saving…
Transitional protection and non dependant moving home
I recieve transitional protection on uc because I was migrated from income support which had disability premiums included as I recieve pip and live alone. My adult son wants to move back home due to his relationship ending and I'm obviously not going to see him on the streets but I am worried about how this will affect my…
Funny Teenagers
I was watching an Episode of the Chase the other night where the Question was something along the lines of 'By the time you reached the age 50 how many hours sleep has the average European had.So My son got the answer correct and proceeded to tell me on his calculator EXACTLY how much sleep I've had over the years!.I…
Hi, my name is ami121! I get severe benefit stoped because of my two adult sons living with me
Hi I am on ESA and pip I get severe benefit stoped because of my two adult sons living with me if my tow 25 years old children move out well I be moved from EAS to universal credit Or not Please help me Thank you Ami121
Disregarding an Inherited Property
Hi, Myself and my sister are joint executors and beneficiaries of my late Mothers estate. My sister receives Universal Credit. My Mother left myself and my sister a property worth approx 360k and 130k cash. We plan to sell the house and split the proceeds along with cash, 50/50. My question is in two parts, firstly: My…
Hi, my name is Angi1948! I believe they are trying to charge my daughter wrongly.
Hello, My daughter is 49 years old and in 2022 she suffered meningitis, encephalitis and bilateral strokes and was left brain damaged with very little mobility, after 5 months in hospital she came home and had carers. The beginning of 2024 she had a relapse and suffered rigidity and spasticity cannot stand or walk or sit…
Cerebral Palsy -social media advice page for young people
It's natural for teenagers and young adults to want to be part of a friendship group or community. Some find this networking activity an easy process, but for others it can be particularly difficult to find where they belong. Some young people with cerebral palsy can face challenges with building social networks. They…
Cerebral Palsy-Social media advice page for young people
It's natural for teenagers and young adults to want to be part of a friendship group or community. Some find this networking activity an easy process, but for others it can be particularly difficult to find where they belong. Some young people with cerebral palsy can face challenges with building social networks. They…
Hi, my name is dozydo! My husband has come into an inheritance.
Hi,hope you are all keeping warm in this cold spell.
Coping mechanisms
Hi gang. I'm just wondering how other ppl cope dealing with the public and the outside world? My son is 8yo and has quadriplegic CP, Scoliosis, Epilepsy and Hip Dysplasia. He uses an electric wheelchair to get around and I can honestly say we've come across every type of rude scenario / weardo that walks the planet. I'm so…