What a mish mash

charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 317 Empowering
edited March 20 in Benefits and income

Dear Warriors. Changed to uc migration on a call Monday with social worker. They asked regarding my tenancy which is s private landlord and what i currently receiving in housing benefit.

I explained what figure was and advised I had a roll on tenancy. He advised that signed tenancy had to be up to date with monthly rent. I have the rent on tenancy when originally signed 10 years ago.

HHe Advised the rent on agreement had to be updated to current amount receiving in order to receive for housing element under transitional protection.

TThe council updated it in 2022 and been receiving correct amount ever since. Im on esa in a support group and received enhanced pip.

aadvise would be great they are sending someone to visit at home to collect and review evidence needed


  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 317 Empowering

    Sorry to make it simple on roll on tenancy has rent was entitled to in 2017 £884 but obviously as still in same property and never moved its increased to amount of housing benefit eligible to date.

    My landlord write a letter in 202w advising was increasing rent and council adjusted