PIP appointee for son and mobility when we already have a car on finance



  • amyflood245
    amyflood245 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected

    Yes that’s more or less what we did with his DLA. He is getting £400 a month and we take £50 just to go towards the extra electric he uses from being up all night on his computer due to his anxiety and not being able to sleep, extra food because of his sensory issues and he won’t always eat what we cook, petrol for appointments and long drives because they calm him and then we just asked him to pay his own phone bill so the remaining £300 he got to spend on whatever he pleased.

    But they are really the only associated costs of his disability apart from the odd taxi if my husband can’t take him to appts but I do generally manage to get his appts for my husbands days off so I wouldn’t be comfortable taking more than that from his PIP. We told him that if we got the car we would no longer take the £50 and we would start paying his phone bill so he isn’t loosing more than the mobility component.

    without our current car expenses we would save around £250 a month but because we wouldn’t be taking the £50 from him and we would be paying his phone bill it would be more like £150 which could go towards getting rent arrears/bills up to date. And my son would have £450 a month to spend on whatever he wants as opposed to the £300 that he has left now from his DLA.

    Does this sound viable to you? It makes sense in my head but sometimes it takes me a while to process things and I don’t always see the whole picture. Would it be legally ok to do as his appointee?

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,417 Championing

    I don't want to pass judgement on your plan, but you need to remember the Motability car won't be a like for like replacement for your current car as you can't use it in the same way.

    No personal use for you or your husband, I appreciate you have spoken to them about his work but otherwise the car needs to be used only with son in it or to his benefit.

  • amyflood245
    amyflood245 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected

    yes I understand that but the car is mainly used for my husband too and from work and my son for college and appointments or drives for him. As sad as it sounds me and my husband don’t have social lives lol he is always too tired from work and I’m always too anxious lol so that side of things won’t be too much of an issue. I just need to know from a legal standpoint as his appointee whether this would be acceptable or not

  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 707 Trailblazing

    We take keep from our son at £400/month. I can't honestly remember what age we started charging him. He stayed on DLA til 21 as pip wasn't rolled out in our area when he was 16.

    One thing i did do when he was 16 was to set up a bank account to keep his money and expenses separate from the household expenses.

    It is in joint names - me and him (there weren't appointee bank accounts back then so this was the only way we could do it and it works so we have kept it as is)

    That definitely made things easy and clear when his UC was called for review and just keeps everything easy that i only withdraw from that account for him.

    When he was on child DLA, it just mixed into our family bank account and got used for household spends.

    It is definitely ok to charge keep - i would say from 16 is ok actually, especially if things are tight but you could call DWP to check that. If you had a 16yr old out working, you'd charge (i would, anyway!)

  • amyflood245
    amyflood245 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected

    yes I need to get him a proper bank account. He does have a child’s revolut one at the minute but things can be directly paid in to it. I have to transfer from mine and do it that way. So everytime DLA has hit my account I transfer it to his revolut account and then transfer £50 back to me with the label DLA expenses and then he pays his phone bill straight from that account so all transaction are from that place. his passport ran out a couple of years ago and we haven’t been able to afford to renew it and we need that for a proper account but I suppose now that he is getting his own money he could do it with that. He hasn’t been on DLA long it’s only been about 6 month and then we more or less had to move straight to applying for PIP because he had just turned 16.

    I think because I’m appointee I’m just getting worked up about what would be classed as best interests and what wouldn’t be. He has full capacity and isn’t afraid to say if he doesn’t agree with something.

    If you don’t mind me asking how are you talking about the LCWRA element of universal credit for your son?

  • amyflood245
    amyflood245 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected

    Sorry I didn’t mean to add the “how” in the question at the end, it was supposed to just say “if you don’t mind me asking are you talking about the LCWRA for your son”

  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 707 Trailblazing

    Yes, my son was on the double enhanced pip plus the LCWRA which was a ridiculous of money for him - his disability is autism with a learning difficulty so all of his spends are centred around his support group - a few pounds here and there.

    He loves the computer and did have a high spend there a few years back but of course once that was bought, his needs are very low cost-wise.

    I wanted to keep his benefits going though as, when he had his capacity assessment, we were initially told he'd qualify for cluster housing where he'd have his own room in a block but staff would be on site.

    However, as he has no night needs, he does not qualify for this is our area.

    Due to some bad family circs last year, all focus switched to my daughter and my son's money built up very fast.

    When his UC claim was called for review, he was over 16k for one of the months so they closed the UC claim.

    In actual fact, wrongly closed I think as a disregard had not been applied.

    Though - he does earn around £300/month now and still gets double enhanced ADP (scottish pip) which is plenty enough for him.

    He doesn't need his UC back. Not unless they change their mind about the housing!

    But we still charge the same £400 now he's off UC. Not all his income is ADP though. He has his earned income. And a LOT of capital. I don't think he will be chipping into that any time soon - he is very frugal!

  • amyflood245
    amyflood245 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected

    yes I think everybody just does whatever works best for their family by speaking to different people about it all! I was only wondering regarding the LCWRA because I currently get that added to our universal credit for my mental health and autism. It was awarded to me the middle of 2021 and to this day have never had a review and I even left a note in my journal to say that my condition had slightly improved and would I need a review but was told no which I found strange! How often did your son have reviews?

  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 707 Trailblazing

    Ah - reviews are suspended due to the Pandemic. I don't think they've started up again so my son never had a review all the years he was on it. (5 yrs from oct 2019 to jan 25)

  • amyflood245
    amyflood245 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected