Any update regarding ESA/JSA

sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 230 Empowering
edited March 25 in Benefits and income

Does anyone have any update regarding the proposed ESA/JSA limited time benefit?

If we don't qualify for UC due to savings etc and don't get the new 4 points for PIP we will get zero benefits.

We need a benefit for people who have worked and it is not means tested. Maybe you should have paid a certain percentage of NI contributions before you qualify for it, I don't know it's only a thought. But we shouldn't be punished for working and saving then becoming unfit for work



  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,869 Pioneering

    I'm on CB-ESA only without UC entitlement not because I've had a long working life but because ice been disabled from childhood and at 30 was too impaired to do anything. I paid some NI contributions. The rest were DWP credits. I claimed income-related benefits until an inheritance.

    Maybe you look down on me as less deserving but I'm scared stiff.

    I have PIP and I don't think I'd lose money under the new rules unless they means-test that in the future.

    I've written to parliamentarians about the ESA/JSA insurance benefit. It's too early to hear back. Meanwhile, we're the forgotten ones.

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 230 Empowering

    No I certainly don't look down on you at all...if at some point in your life you can't work and need benefits then you should be entitled to some no matter what situation you're in.

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Morning all! I hope you're ok.

    A lot of people are wondering what they can do to get involved and it’s important to know that cuts to disability benefits are not inevitable. Just wanted to share a few ways you can join Scope in pushing back against these cuts. Here are some of the ways you can get involved:

    We also have a longer discussion on the proposed changes members are joining which you can find here: Green Paper Discussion

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,759 Championing


    I am in that postition having worked most of my adult life and saved up a bit for my retirement.

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 230 Empowering

    We need to see exactly what the proposals are first as it's not been very well explained and I can't find any more information about it. Then if needed, everyone who this affects immediately need to come together to oppose it.

    If it pays to work then why the hell are they even considering this

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,965 Championing

    I understand why people on CB benefits won't like it, but this actually makes the system fairer for everyone. We are all expected to use savings until below £16k, then we can claim benefits.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,759 Championing

    No it doesn't.

    It penalises us who worked hard, paid into the system and saved a bit for our future.

    How is that fair that we may now lose our benefits?

  • sunshine1981
    sunshine1981 Online Community Member Posts: 230 Empowering

    But some people have never worked, paid no taxes and therefore not saved will be entitled to benefits. Others who have worked, paid taxes and saved, won't. They will be expected to use their savings to live off until they run out. That doesn't really seem fair to me

  • dayjarvoo
    dayjarvoo Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected

    I fear I am going to be absolutely hammered here, but here goes anyway…into the fray…

    I have worked and lived in poverty for a long period of time, then been on cb and ir esa for a lesser amount of time. Now i had an inheritance, and this is my view, for what it is worth…

    I am very grateful to have had the help while I have. I look at those with so much wealth and see a lot of greed, which has eaten away at their souls. And I don’t want to become one of them. I don’t have a lot, but I still now have more than others. My position now is better than someone who has total dependence on the state.

    so, I don’t care if they make me spend what savings I have. I am leaning towards a view that non means tested benefits, including the state pension, are not viable now. There needs to be a redistribution of wealth, and that means my newly acquired savings, too. I have always said this, and I don’t want that to change now that my fortunes have.

    So…the savings will last a few years after the cab esa is removed, and I will be spared the harassment from work coaches during that time. Thank goodness. I want to be able to say to myself that I didn’t sell out, and hopefully leave this planet with a soul as intact as possible.

    But, it’s only my circumstances and view on them, so please don’t have a go at me!

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,759 Championing

    No one should have a go at you.

    We are generally civil with each other.

  • dayjarvoo
    dayjarvoo Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected

    Thank you luvpink, awesome cat

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,759 Championing
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,965 Championing

    I'm afraid I disagree with that. I believe benefits are there to help the poorest in society pay for basic needs. They are not an automatic right that everyone should be entitled to. I don't see any problem with people living off their savings until they all reach the same point.

    I do appreciate that people who have been on CB ESA for a while will obviously feel like it's an attack on them, but I don't think that's the right way to look at it. If they do take it away from longer term claimants, I hope they provide some sort sort of transitional period to help people adjust.

    It's also worth noting that people who worked full time over many years had the opportunity to put money into a property where they can live rent free for the rest of their lives, buy anything they needed or wanted to make their life more comfortable, and also to pay into a private pension scheme for when they reach state pension age. Working still massively outweighs a whole life on benefits in my opinion.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,759 Championing
    edited March 25

    I haven't got my own home

    I pay all my own rent and I receive 25% single person council tax discount

    I did pay into a pension scheme and I receive a modest monthly amount and because of that I have my esa award reduced.

    I am by no means well off.

    I find it disgusting that a minority of people seem to have an "I'm alright Jack" attitude.

    As a disabled community I feel we should be supporting one another.

    We will have to agree to disagree.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,869 Pioneering

    You mean mean-tested benefits, specifically UC. Not all benefits are means-tested. Consider the State Pension. Moreover, CB-ESA is a lot less than IR-ESA.

  • dayjarvoo
    dayjarvoo Online Community Member Posts: 10 Connected

    What about a universal basic income, everyone has a home and enough to live on. We all get to unleash out creative potential and the economy grows in a sustainable way…

    Anything you earn above and beyond the UBI is yours, and the whole thing is in part paid for by abolishing the DWP and the hate and division it fosters.

    A new well fare state… can’t be worse than this one?

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,869 Pioneering

    I'm quite poor. I hoped my inheritance would mean that if I'm very, very careful I need never claim UC or Pension Credits, etc. This change will have a huge impact on the rest of my life.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,869 Pioneering

    People who own a property don't pay rent but they do have to maintain the property and insure the building as well as contents. It's not a free roof over your head.

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,869 Pioneering

    I disagree with you. However, I've responded because the proposal for Unemployment Insurance refers to engagement with the DWP by which I assume work coaches.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,965 Championing

    The state pension is totally separate from working age benefits. I don't believe that's relevant here.

    If I was redesigning the working age system, I wouldn't have a CB ESA. I would make it all means tested, but raise the savings limits to a figure more appropriate to the world we live in today. I believe that is the most fair way to do it.

    I will be losing my own means tested benefits soon. I feel it is perfectly fair on other benefits claimants and working tax payers that I live off the savings until they drop again.

    I am sorry I've upset a few members in this thread, that was not the intention at all, just wanted to give another perspective. I will stick to providing objective advice on here in future, and keep my opinions to myself. 🙂