PIP Tribunal not allowed and bad experience

ammalik786 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
edited March 26 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA


I applied for PIP in June 2023 and just had my Tribunal date last week after DWP refused my appeal. I suffer from anxiety, breathlessness, and migraines as well as fatigue, and pains. I was awarded 6 points for daily living and 4 for mobility.

The minimum I can say is that this tribunal day was a disaster. The appeal was not allowed. The issue was that I was treated like a criminal by the 2 panel members (the doc an the disability one). It was more like a "catch him out" exercise.

The questions posed by them were ridiculous and they kept on saying if you work the these issues shouldn't affect you the way you say they do.

The judge did little talking but he refused to let me read out my 10 page statement and hadn't gone through it beforehand which was extremely annoying. I could tell they had already decided their decision and my overall experience was a nightmare.

Any advice would be appreciated from the wonderful people on this forum.


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,969 Championing


    I'm sorry to hear about your tribunal experience, most people have better experiences at tribunal than assessment stage.

    Your only option now is to request the statement of reasons (SOR) and then see if you can find an error of law in it. You will probably need assistance for that, from a local benefits advice agency if you have one. You can't just appeal this time because you disagree, there has to be an error of law found.

    I must admit I'm not surprised you weren't allowed to read a 10 page statement. That is too much for anyone to take in. In future, try to keep the answers shorter if possible.

  • tifo
    tifo Online Community Member Posts: 100 Contributor

    I feel for you. I got this in my PIP tribunal in 2021, the judge said "i don't believe you i believe the assessment report" which meant i had no chance of success. The report was full of statements made up by the assessor (i could prove they were made up) and statements i'd not said.

  • ammalik786
    ammalik786 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Thanks for the comments. I did provide the 10 page statement 3 weeks before the tribunal but the Judge admitted they hadn't read it.

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 304 Empowering


    I have nothing to add, but I just wanted to say that I’m really sorry for what you’ve gone through at the tribunal hearing. It doesn’t seem just or fair.

    Although my case isn’t for PIP, I’m currently awaiting an SSCS/HMCTS benefits and compensation tribunal for a UC benefits decision , and reading some experiences like yours definitely raises my anxiety levels and I’m terrified . Thanks for sharing!

    As above , I hope you’re able to follow the advice from the Scope community experts and challenge this decision. My best wishes are with you!

  • ammalik786
    ammalik786 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Many thanks for your kind words.

  • ammalik786
    ammalik786 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener
  • AndrewHall
    AndrewHall Online Community Member Posts: 311 Empowering

    Your Tribunal judge is terrible and incompetent. I would be making a separate complaints against his/her conduct and language if I were you.

  • ammalik786
    ammalik786 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    Thanks AndrewHall. I will be making a complaint also but what's astounding is that they are supposed to be there to listen to your side of the argument and then make a judgnent. They didn't do that with me.