Bathing - Simple Quick Question!

jenster22 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
edited June 2014 in Families and carers
Hi there,
My son is 3, he has a mix of all types of CP but mainly suffers from spacticity (sp?) in his legs and hips, his mid section is very floppy.

I just wondered if anyone could offer advice of lifting out of the bath.
Stupid question but you may have found a way that works for you!

I used to lift him out and lie him on the towel on the floor then wrap him up (he cant sit ot stand - should have mentioned that!) but he has grown to hate it and smacks his head constantly on the tile floor.

I now lift him out and try and wrap the towel around him while hes 'standing' but hes so slippy and he throws himself around so much i dont think thats safe either?!

I think its only a matter of time until he'll need the use of a hoist, my back has just about had enough of lifting him in and out and up and down the stairs but wondered if you had found a solution that I could try in the meantime?

Thank you Xx


  • Leilasmum
    Leilasmum Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    My daughter is only 19 months old, so quite a bit lighter than your son. But you could try our method anyway :-) I hold the towel sideways and then hold it up with my teeth and while lifting Leila up under her arm pits (with her facing away from me and the towel dangling down from my face and draped over the front of my body) I then put one of my feet up on the edge of the bath so she ends up sitting on my thigh with her legs down either side of my leg, and I wrap the towel round her. This way she is wrapped up before I have to put her down anywhere. I hope this makes sense to you! Good luck :-)
  • jenster22
    jenster22 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Thanks for the advice, will defo try that at tomorrows bath time!
    Sounds like it will work for me really well.
    Thank you Xx
  • wol
    wol Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Don't know if you might think it OTT for your son but have you considered a BEA LIFT bath aid. They look strange but do a good job and store easy. The value of that is you can lift your child to the top of the bath and dry him off whilst on the bath lift theyre made by a company called Bitteswell. Most OT's will know about them and you might get one to try from your son's OT.