special needs buggy/pushchair

ambreenz Community member Posts: 3 Listener
hi all im new :) have a child with cp/hemiplegia/gdd
hes 4 years old , we have been ref to wheelchair services they have oredered he wheelchair , but they never told us we had a choice of pushchair or wheelchair :(
i would have opted for pushchair as easier for me to push and comfy for little one and plus could fit shopping in etc and fit in car .....oh well
i am now looking for a pushchair asap , i really like the special tomatoes eio ....but not sure if there any good and cant find a local person to show me what its like .....i dont like the major maclaren ones they just dont give enough comfy ness and support .......im looking for a modern trendy but ideal and comfy for the little man so he will actually sit in it!! any ideas plssss im desperate i am struggling to carry him hes sooo heavy :( thankyou all


  • cheekymich
    cheekymich Community member Posts: 1 Listener
    hi i found mine on ebay just keep looking or ask your physio an ot if they no fo any one how is selling theirs as are moveing up in size ask if you can view it first most people will be happy to let you (also try diffrent wording)
    special needs pushchair, special needs, special needs buggy, special needs stroller, maclaren major, childs wheelchair always inall catogrise as some people are not sure what to put them under. i realy hope this helps
  • libismum
    libismum Community member Posts: 13 Listener
    Hi there we have a Special Tomato for Libi, she is very nearly 6 and an average size. she has CP wears AFO's and dynamic lycra suiting, she is a walker but tires very easily, trip and falls frequently and has some issues with core stability which mean that she find unsupported sitting difficult she has R82 seating both in school and at home.
    Initially she had a maclaren buggy with lateral supports and hip straps, however she was never really comfortable in it. when she was 4 we were told by WCS that she required a more supportive pushchair and at this point they introduced the idea of a tiny wheel chair, she made the choice herself and selected a pink one with pretty flower wheels. WCS added a reclining back and a head rest as well as a harness- she never copes with the seat at 90 degrees and we always need to drop the back a little. It is heavy and awkward to lift in and out of the car ( made more difficult as with all the additional bits it takes forever to collapse and put up so we just lift it in as one unit). WCS also added a push bar for us which keeps us well away from the anti tip bars and makes pushing it a doddle. She loves her chair, she can see more and is in a better position to interact with the world, we have come to love it too! and can see now that it was the right choice for Libi for school etc x
    However we "love" our Special Tomato,We live near the beach- if you were somewhere close by you could try your little man in it- its fab on sand, snow, cliff walks, county show grounds, forest school out door learning etc. it is a doddle to push ( even one handed) the back reclines on a strap which is handy too for tired wobbly little people. there is a great suspension which offers a really comfy ride. It doesnt come with a rain cover but does have a hood which is useful for shade so we put Libi in "muddy puddle" wet weather gear like her peers. It folds easily but it quite large ( havent got the dimensions but am happy to measure for you if it would help), it is also quite heavy to lift as tthere is no getting away from the fact that this is a bigger buggy of very sturdy construction. We have had ours nearly three years now and it has had good use it has been hosed down in the garden many times, it remains immaculate. Not sure if they make any lateral supports Libi doesnt need them as we just drop the back of the buggy a little which reduces the amount of control she needs. There is still an amount of growing room and Libi is an average size 5 year old. there are a number of companies that will make cosy toes to order if you contact them first and explain your requirements- we love "Cuddle zoo".
    Summing up it meets Libis needs well and was worth every penny ! good luck in finding the right one for your little man x