seating off the knee

kellyann31 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited May 2014 in Families and carers
hi im new to this site but in desparate need of advice, my son suffered hypoxic brain damage at 7 months whilst in a result he has 4 limb CP no head or neck control very high tone and is registered blind. my main problem is that he will not be seated off my knee he goes into extension and becomes extremely distressed we have tried different equipement without success he needs constant passive movements carried out to his legs mostly and is intolerant to others he is 2 now and i am findind it difficult to manage physically it doesnt help that he has reflux which he is on medication for but doesnt stop it completely so he is awake alot during the night i am a very tired mum and would like to here from anyone who has experience similar problems for advice thaks kelly x