Employing a carer

stephgreen Online Community Member Posts: 28 Listener
edited May 2014 in Families and carers
Our son is 2 and a half with dystonic cp. we struggle quite a lot with jack as he screams and cries a lot. It's very draining and thinking about employing a carer. I can imagine this is expensive but just wondering if anyone has done this and how to go about finding someone.


  • Sam_Toucan
    Sam_Toucan Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected
    We have a babysitter who comes 2 days per week, mainly to take some of the pressure off and give my son the 1 to 1 attention he needs. For the first few weeks she was only there when either myself or Daniel's mother was, but we are now confident to leave her with him. We also arranged some of Daniel's therapy sessions for when the babysitter is working and had them teach her how to handle and feed him.

    We went through the regular channels - in our case a classifieds for the local area (East Dulwich), and pay the going rate here (