Transport for London Badge for those less able to stand

Alice Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited September 2015 in Everyday life
Hi all,

I'm hoping to campaign for Transport for London to introduce a badge, like the "baby on board" badge, for people with disabilities that are not immediately visible to other commuters: a "less able to stand" badge. I have a hidden disability and find it really hard to get a seat on public transport- and I know others who have experienced the same. This badge would alert other passengers to the badge-wearer's greater need for a seat, and hopefully make London a more accessible place for people with disabilities.

I've written a blog about this here

Please Tweet the blog to @ TfLOfficial if you think a "less able to stand" badge is a good idea. I will likely be blogging on Scope's website and creating a survey of people with disabilities- watch this space!

Many thanks for your support,



  • Noah
    Noah Online Community Member Posts: 420 Empowering
    edited September 2014
    I like really like your idea :-) Enjoyed reading your blog to, and agree with everything you have put, very well thought out. The most challenging part is people not being embarrassed to wear them. As most of us are very self conscious and don't like to make a fuss, even if we really need something like a seat, and it could make a huge difference to our quantity of life. Maybe making the badges in a range of styles/colours, or something that fits in the back of a standard work ID badge, might make people feel more confident about wearing them. I guess a good marketing campaign is also important to help people feel comfortable wearing them.
  • AmyS
    AmyS Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Love the idea, I live in Wales, though my son lives in London. Have to admit London bus users are a lot better than Cardiff. I have a concessionary bus pass because of my disability, though rarely get a seat so tend to take taxis in Cardiff. London I must admit most passengers have been very kind and stand up to give me a seat. I am in total favour of your idea.
  • bvpi157
    bvpi157 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    edited September 2015
    Hi Alice, It has been over 10 years since the Baby on Board badges were launched. These are a very successful and cost effective way to 'reduce the awkward' for pregnant women and I agree that the time has come to extend the same facility for anyone who needs a seat rather than wants one. I am trying to get funding to roll this out as a pilot (at least) in this financial year. Please do contact me. We have a 'pitch for funding' on 7 October - you are very welcome to attend! 0r 07590600338
  • Alex
    Alex Scope Posts: 1,281 Pioneering
    Just bumping this old thread - as these badges are now being trialled!

    Very exciting to see. Well done Caroline, and everyone at TfL, we're very interested to see how the trial does!