I'm Debbie and I work on Scope's helpline. I have a lead role in Benefits, Finance & Housing.

Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
Hi everyone my name is Debbie and I work on the Scope helpline. I have a lead role in Benefits, Finance & Housing. I'm able to give advice about all things housing a subject I am passionate about! Please feel free to post a question and I will do my best to answer it. I'm currently carrying out some research on Mortgages for disabled people who are in receipt of Welfare Benefits so I would love to hear from people who are trying to get a mortgage or who have successfully secured a mortgage. I am available at the helpline Monday-Friday 9am-3.00pm. If you feel a bit nervous about posting a question or you would prefer some privacy please feel free to call me on 0808 800 3333 or email helpline@scope.org.uk. I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Ange1209
    Ange1209 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Hi Debbie

    Please can you help me? I have been awarded PIP after it went to a tribunal hearing, and the decision letter from the tribunal says that my PIP will be paid from the 24th of August 2016 until the 23rd of August 2019, however the DWP have stated that they will be re-assessing this in 9-12 months time......Is this allowed?

    I honestly thought that the tribunal's decision was final.

    Also I used to be on the 'support' group ESA however last year after an assessment, they took it upon themselves to put me in a 'work related' ESA group. I asked them for a mandatory reconsideration which they point blank refused...
    Do I need to inform the DWP that I have been awarded PIP at the enhanced rate?

    Hope you can help me!? 

    Thanking you in advance


  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @Ange1209,

    The usual procedure for PIP reviews is that the DWP will start the review process 1 year before the fixed award ends. This means that next August you will probably be contacted for a review. However, the DWP can review a PIP award at any time and for any reason so there's not even any certainty for some people that they will receive the award for the entire time in which it was awarded. So while the tribunal's decision was final, your PIP was awarded until August 2019 but will almost certainly be reviewed starting in August 2018.

    Citizens Advice has some information about the PIP review form. I hope you find this useful.

    With regards to your ESA, you've done the mandatory reconsideration, but have you appealed to the tribunal? Have you sought advice about this decision?

    I think that you should definitely inform the DWP that you have been awarded enhanced PIP. It's likely that this information will filter down through the system anyway. I wonder if this would then prompt them to look at your ESA again? 

    Let me know how you get on and if you need any further advice.

    Best wishes
  • Ange1209
    Ange1209 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Thanks Debbie 

    I have a letter from PIP in which they have confirmed that they will get intouch just after August 2018 to review the situation. But clearly state that the payment will continue until 2019! Just have to wait and see u guess.

    In relation to the ESA Work group they placed me on, I never went passed the mandatory reconsideration I couldn't cope with that and my PIP at the same time my head felt as though it was going to burst.. 
    I am going to contact them today and let them know I am on the enhanced rate...  I just hope that they don't in some way stop my ESA.. 

    Thank you Debbie!  I will let u know the outcome
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @Ange1209,

    Good luck and yes please let me know the outcome. 

    Have a good day :)

  • blysie27
    blysie27 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener
    Hi  Debbie I have a question please. I have recently posted about my son who is being moved from DLA to PIP, he is 19. He was on the middle rate care & low rate mobility with DLA. We have received our PIP report which says he scored 0 points. We have asked for a redecision on this and are awaiting the outcome. My question is it states his DLA and my carers allowance will stop on the 4th July 2017 his last payment was on the 13th June. Do you know if we will receive a payment before the 4th July as not sure if it is paid in arrears, as you can probably imagine this is causing great anxiety to both of us! Thank you
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @blysie27,

    Thanks for your question. DLA is normally paid 4 weeks in arrears. 
    Do you know the date that your son's PIP decision was made?
    The final DLA payment would normally be 28 days after your next pay day.
    Do you know when your son's usual pay day is?

    Best wishes
  • blysie27
    blysie27 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Listener
    Hi Debbie thanks for your reply. The pip decision was made on the 19th June. His last payment of DLA was on the 12th of June. It stated on my carers allowance letter that payments are being stopped on the 4th July for his current DLA. I have phoned DWP today and been told there has been no change with the reconsideration. I don't really know what to do from here. I just can't believe that they can stop all his payments when he has  lifelong conditions that you can't cure. I understand he can adapt but not completely. He is getting so anxious over this and to be honest it isn't helping me much either!
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @blysie27,

    Consider taking the appeal to the tribunal. This is the next step in the appeals process. We have information about the appeals process on our website and we link to a great guide called 'How to win a PIP appeal' by Advicenow. You'll also see the community is full of PIP related discussions and there's some great advice out there from people who have been through this themselves. 

    If you want to talk it through or need help finding some local support, let me know. I would be happy to give you a call to go through it all with you.

    Even though the mandatory reconsideration has come back with no change, it doesn't mean the right decision has been made. The success rate at tribunal is very high and I encourage your son and anyone in similar circumstances to take their appeal to tribunal.

    Best wishes
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