Am I wording this right? Survey re accessibility within arts venues

dollyfish Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited August 2024 in People power
Hello, I am a 3rd year Applied Theatre degree student. I am currently developing a website page for a theatre company regarding accessibility (i.e. how accessible their venue is - including information of size of door ways etc). I have compiled a questionnaire (below) and I would be super grateful if anyone could have a look through this. In particular, I want to make sure nothing in the questionnaire is inappropriate, badly worded, offensive, patronising etc. (apologies in advance if this is the case).

If you do have any ideas for more questions I could include that might be useful, then please feel free to let me know. I will come back onto this forum with the finished questionnaire for anyone kind enough to fill it in. The questionnaire will be via a survey website link, so boxes to tick etc. will be included then.

I'd really appreciate your help, thank you so much.

1. Please could you give details of your disability and how it affects you.

2. Are you a wheelchair user?

OR alternative to question 1:

1. If you have a disability, please tick the box most appropriate:

Blind/Partially Sighted
Deaf/Hearing Impairment
Wheelchair User

Which of the following do you enjoy (tick all that apply)?

Any other public venues? Please list:

Do you mostly use:

Public Transport (Please specify - Bus, train, tube)
Drive own vehicle
Rely on friends/carer/family

Have you ever been unable to attend an event or venue because of limited accessibility?


If you’re happy to do so, please give further details:

Where do you get your information regarding accessibility to venues? (tick all that apply)

Recommendations/Word of mouth
Looking on individual websites
Contacting venues directly
Other websites (please list):
Other publications (please list):
Any other (please specify):

Which is your preferred method?

Recommendations/Word of mouth
Looking on individual websites
Contacting venues directly
Other websites (please list):
Other publications (please list):
Any other (please specify):

What is the most important thing for you, with regards to accessibility?

Is there any information that you require but isn’t always provided?

I am developing a website page on accessibility for a theatre venue in London. I’m keen to ensure that we present the most accurate and useful information regarding accessibility. Do you have any suggestions or advice?

I would be very grateful for any feedback on the web page once it is completed. Please enter your email address if you’d be happy to give me your opinion. (Your
email will not be used for any other purpose).


  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    This opportunity is now closed on our community. Thank you for any who participated.

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