Parents' benefits

Joy Community member Posts: 4 Listener

my name is Radost and I have an question concerning the parents' benefits.
I want to know whether my father is entitled to any benefits regarding the fact that I'm disabled person with cerebral palsy, but i'm 25 years old?
We are from East Europe and we have been residents in England for a couple of months.

Thank you in advance!


  • janine123
    janine123 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hello Radost

    There would be no automatic entitlement to benefits due to your condition as you would be deemed an independent adult and your parents claim would be separate. The rules regarding claiming welfare benefits when you have come to the UK from abroad are extremely complex. If you would like to contact the Scope Helpline on 0808 800 3333 or we can advise you further and put you in touch with a local organisation that can look at your parents situation in more detail. 

    I hope this helps and we look forward to hearing from you. 
  • Joy
    Joy Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hello Janine 123,

    thank you so much for your quick response! I understand that the claiming benefits' structure is complex in its own and I would like to know more about whether my father could be eligible for applying for that kind of benefits and more about the process of applying. 

    Thank you in advance!

    Best Wishes,
  • janine123
    janine123 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi Radost

    There are strict rules regarding claiming welfare benefits upon entering the UK and they are too complex to advise on with minimal information. Please contact us at the Helpline directly so we can either advise you or put you in touch with a local welfare benefits advice service. Alternatively you can check potential entitlement by using the Turn 2 Us benefit checker 

    Good luck 
