Coping with unkind comments.

the_velvet_girl Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
I'm fed up with people making comments about how ill I look! I've been started on a new medication which is reducing the amount of pain I'm in but does make my eyes look very heavy. Three people told me today that I "look awful', 'have junkie eyes' and I was asked jokingly if I was hungover! I find these comments really upsetting as I would never say that to anyone! How do other people deal with comments like these? I just walk away and slam the nearest door but end up angry for the rest of the day!


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 125 Listener
    hey velvet girl..

    I totally understand where you're coming from. You're just about making it through the day adjusting to the new meds and some smartass think's they're being all cool and funny making a joke about your appearance. urgh.

    It's not for everyone but in your shoes I'd be tempted to flip it right back at them!

    A bit of sarcasm and deadpan can be a really powerful and effective way to stop a 'joker' in their tracks.... and you can get a small sliver of satisfaction watching them freeze in mortification...and wait patiently and silently as they stutter their way through an 'apology'... and then wave them off with a smile as they flee the scene with their tail between their legs.

    For best results, keep it short and sweet:

    "I'm on prescription drugs for a lifelong condition. What's your excuse?"

    "I've got *condition* and sometimes take medication. You on the other hand, are stuck with that face forever."

    "Wow, thank you for your kind words of genuine concern. It's the most sensitive anyone has ever been about *condition/impairment/etc*. Who taught you such incredible tact and manners?"

    ...and so on.

    Keep your pretty chin up velvet girl. People can be idiots.

    -B xxx

    ps. Have you seen the shorts scope did with channel 4? plenty of idiots here.