Hi, my name is wordsmithsteve!

wordsmithsteve Community member Posts: 2 Listener
In 2012, I contracted meningitis. I fell into a semi-conscious state, and when I became fully conscious, found that my spinal cord was damaged at the T4 level. Told I may not walk again, and if I did, it would be "well enough, and at the very least would be in a wheelchair for at least a year. However, I was well enough to walk with a cane after 6 months. Over the last three plus years, I learned all spinal cord injuries are different, but many of the experiences are the same. I am extremely grateful for the amount of my recovery. In 2014, I published a book about my recovery titled, Toe Up to 10K, which won the Gold Medal in the 2015 Readers' favorite Book Awards in the category, non-fiction, inspirational.


  • VickyS
    VickyS Community member Posts: 129 Connected
    Hi wordsmithsteve,

    Welcome to the Scope online community!

    Vicky xx