Could you give some advise from what i need to start?

AirinLo Community member Posts: 4 Listener
This discussion was created from comments split from: Hello my name is Hannah and I'm an educational psychologist.


  • AirinLo
    AirinLo Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hello, Hannah.
    My name is Irina, correctly i am in Lithuania. My husband is now working in Ipswich, came there 2015.07.01. Actually we lived in England before, it was 2013-2014. Now he wants me come to live there with our daughter. She is 6 and she haves a muscular miopathy. We both speak russian, i am very worried about how she will feel herself in England. I can speak English fluently. Could you give some advise from what i need to start. Which documents i need to do, or i better call somewhere. Thank you very much, hope you will not ignore my message.
  • EducationalPsychologist
    EducationalPsychologist Community member Posts: 118 Contributor
    Hello AirinLo. I'm not completely sure what the legal requirements are but the following link might be helpful:

    There are lots of services available to help children with disabilities. If you phone one of the teams from the above link they should be able to put you in touch with the best person to talk to.